pounds of gunpowder, Ordered, That the committees of observa-
tion for Worcester and Somerset counties, do each of them immedi-
ately send one hundred weight to col. Simpson.
The convention proceeded to the election of officers.
Mr. Gabriel Duvall was elected by ballot muster master and com-
missary of stores, Mr. Peter Mantz quarter, master, Mr. Charlea
Wallace paymaster.
Mr. Nathaniel Smith captain of the matrosses at Baltimore town,
Mr. William Woolsey, first lieutenant, Mr. Alexander Furnival, se-
cond lieutenant.
Mr. Beall has leave of absence.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Convention met. Mr. Thomas Wright, a member for Queen
Anne's county, appeared and took his seat in the house. Mr. Han-
dy and Mr. Waters appeared in the house.
Mr. George Keepott was appointed third lieutenant of captain
Smith's company of matrosses.
The Convention took into consideration the following report,
to wit:
In obedience to a resolve of the honourable convention, the com-
mittee appointed to receive all proposals relating to the establish-
ment of manufactories of any kind within this province, and report
their opinion thereon,
Do report, that the following proposals and petitions have been laid
before them, to wit. The petition of Fielder Gaunt, setting forth,
That about four months ago he had discovered a vein of lead ore
in Frederick county, between Frederick town and the Kitocton
mountain ; that upon an examination of the same, appearances
were so favourable, that he hoped to be able in a short time to sup-
ply this province with a sufficient quantity of lead during our pre-
sent unhappy disputes, and prayed, that two hundred pounds might
be advanced to him for the term of one year without interest, upon
giving bond with sufficient security at the end of that term to re-
pay the same. Your committee further report, that Mr. Gaunt hath
in person informed them, that he has, by sinking a shaft thirty-eight
feet in the earth higher up the hill, found another vein of lead, and
that both the said veins run under a large rock, where it was too ex-
pensive, on his own capital, to pursue the same, and that the quan-
tities of lead ore taken out of said veins were not considerable.
Your committee beg leave further to report thereon, that in their
opinion a manufactory of lead in this province would be of a great