thority of the convention, during the continuance of his said com-
The convention proceeded to elect by ballot field officers for the
Mr. William Smallwood was elected colonel, Mr. Francis Ware
lieutenant colonel, Mr. Thomas Price first major, Mr. Mordecai Gist
second major.
They then proceeded to elect seven captains for the seven inde-
pendent companies; the ballots were as follow :
For Rezin Beall, 15. John Gunby, 14. John Watkins, 11. James
Hindman, 10. John Allen Thomas, 9. Lemuel Barrett, 7. Edward
Veazey, 6.
The following persons were then elected captains of the bat-
talion :
John H. Stone, 15. William Hyde, 11. Barton Lucas, 10. Thom-
as Ewing, 10. Nathaniel Ramsey, 10. Peter Adams, 9. John Day
Scott, 8. Samuel Smith of John, 8. George Stricker, 7, light infantry.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Convention met.
The petition of Thomas M'Cobb of Lincoln county, in the colony
of Massachusetts bay, setting forth, that in consequence of a reso-
lution of the general court of that colony, he had obtained a permit
from the select men and committee of correspondence of George-
town, in Lincoln county in the same colony, to import grain into
the said county, and praying leave to load his vessel, was read; and
thereupon it is Resolved, That the said petitioner be allowed to
load his said vessel in Somerset county: And it is Ordered, That
the loading of the said vessel be under the inspection of the com-
mittee of observation for Somerset county, who are required, before
the said vessel shall depart, to appoint the tract for her voyage,
and have the captain and mate of her sworn to perform the same, so
far as they can, and that they will use their utmost endeavours to
land her cargo in the county of Lincoln in the colony of Massachu-
setts bay aforesaid.
Ordered, That the clerk make out and transmit a copy of the
above resolution to the committee of Somerset county.
The convention proceeded to ballot for seven first lieutenants for
the independent companies; the ballots were as follow :
For Thomas Woolford, 11. Moses Chaille, 11. William Harri-
son, 10. Uriah Forrest, 10. Bennett Bracco, 10. John Stewart,
6. William Goldsborough, 5.