to the powers and authorities in such council of safety to be here-
after vested by such convention.
Given ———— this ————— day of ———— anno domini 177 .
By order of the convention,
MAT. TILGHMAN, President.
Ordered, That 2500 copies thereof be immediately printed.
Mr. Chamberlaine brings in and delivers to Mr. President a re-
port from the committee appointed to examine into facts contained
in the memorial preferred by the justices of Frederick county,
which was read the first time and ordered to lie on the table.
The convention took into consideration the report from the
committee appointed to consider and report the most effectual
method of establishing a gun lock manufactory, and the expense
thereof; and thereupon Resolved, That a gun lock manufactory be
established in Fredericktown in Frederick county, or in the neigh-
bourhood thereof. That twelve hundred pounds common money
be appropriated for erecting and carrying on the said manufactory,
and be subject to be drawn out and applied for that purpose by
three commissioners, who shall, over and above, have power to
draw out of the public treasury any sum of money, not exceeding
one dollar, for every good musquet lock, made at the said manu-
factory and delivered pursuant to the orders of the convention, or
council of safety in the recess of the convention.
Resolved, That Mr. Charles Beatty, Mr. James Johnson, and
Mr. John Hanson, jun. or any two of them, be commissioners for
the above pupose.
Resolved, That the said commissioners, or any two of them, be
directed to purchase ground, not exceeding one half acre, in or
near Fredericktown, sufficient for erecting shops for the said manu-
factory; which ground is to be conveyed to the said commission-
ers, for the use of this province; that the said commissioners or any
two of them, draw on the treasury of the western shorefor the price
of the said ground; in the purchase of which, and in the buildings,
it is recommended to the said commissioners, to be as frugal of the
public money as may be.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the state of
the province being read, Ordered, That the same be referred for fur-
their consideration till to-morrow.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning half after 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY, December 28, 1775.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Smith appeared in the