That each supervisor pay to any person who shall deliver to him
good crude nitre, manufactured at any place within this county,
other than the said public work, for the use of the public, after the
rate of two shillings common money for every pound thereof.
That as soon as a contract shall be made for building a powder
mill, pursuant to the resolution of the late convention, a public work
be erected convenient thereto, under the management of a skilful
person, for purifying nitre. And the several supervisors shall, from
time to time, send all the crude nitre which shall be made at the
said works, and otherwise come to their hands as aforesaid, to the
said public refinery.
That each supervisor draw from the treasurer of his shore, as well
the said one hundred pounds, as the sum of two shillings com-
mon money, and no more, per pound, for all crude nitre by him
sent to and delivered at the said refinery.
That each of the said supervisors render an account of his trans-
actions to every convention, by the third day of every session there-
of; and that on such account he be allowed all the said disburse-
ments, the actual expenses of sending the crude nitre to the re-
finery, and for his trouble the sum of two pence for every pound
of rough nitre made at the works under his care, and the sum
of one penny for every other pound of crude nitre by him collected
as aforesaid, and sent to the said refinery; and that he pay the ba-
lance of the money in his hands into the public treasury for the use
of the public, if so ordered.
That it be strongly recommended to such of the good people of
this province, whose circumstances and conveniences will allow
them to pursue the following directions, to place in open houses,
or sheds admitting the air, but excluding the rain and sun, the
stalks and trashy leaves of tobacco, trodden straw, the sweepings
of stables mixed with rich mould, collected from the floors of barns
and out houses, and from time to time to sprinkle with urine, brine,
or water, this collection of various substances, so as to occasion
the fermentation and speedy putrefaction thereof, that the whole
mass, when perfectly rotten and digested, may be dug, stirred up,
and thoroughly blended, and thus left without further damping, so
loose and light, as to attract more readily, and be more plentifully
impregnated with nitre for future use.
Mr. Jeremiah Jordan was appointed supervisor for St. Mary's
county. Mr. Thomas Semes for Charles county. Dr. Edward
Johnson for Calvert county. Mr. Richard Richardson for Anne
Arundel county. Mr. Daniel Clark for Prince George's county.
Mr. Thomas Richardson for the lower district, and Mr. Charles