that the committee, according to order, had taken under their con-
sideration the state of the province, but not being able to go
through the same, had directed him to move for leave to sit again.
Resolved, That this convention will, on Monday next, resolve
itself into the said committee.
Convention adjourns till Monday morning half after 9 o'clock.
MONDAY, December 18, 1775.
Convention met. All members present as on Saturday, except
Mr. Gantt, Mr. Sim, and Mr. Sudler. The proceedings of Sat-
urday were read. Mr. William Baird, a member for the upper dis-
trict of Frederick county, appeared and took his seat in the house.
The petition of Thomas McCobb of Lincoln county, in the co-
lony of Massachusetts bay, was read the first time and ordered to
lie on the table.
The Rev. Mr. Patterson, according to order, was brought before
the convention in custody of a guard of four of the militia of cap-
tain Johnson's company. The proceedings of the committee of
Kent county, respecting the conduct and behavior of the said Rev.
Mr. Patterson, were read; and he was informed by Mr. President,
that the convention would hear anything he had to offer in his de-
fence. Mr. Patterson was then heard and ordered to withdraw.
Ordered, That he attend in the afternoon at three o'clock.
Adjourned till three o'clock.
Convention met, and took Mr. Patterson's case into considera-
tion, and thereupon Resolved, That Mr. Patterson be informed by
the president, that it is not the intention of this convention to pre-
clude the inhabitants of this province from judging of their pro-
ceedings with decency and temper; but that those who apprehend
any defect therein, ought to apply for such alterations and amend-
ments, as may be thought proper and necessary; and such appli-
cations will always be attended to and duly considered. And in the
mean time this convention expects an acquiescence in such mea-
sures as may be thought necessary for the safety of the country,
until the same are reconsidered by the representative body of the
people. That the expressions and declarations made use of by the
said Mr. Patterson were highly indecent and intemperate, for
which, and for his disrespectful conduct to the committee of Kent
county, he deserves (he censure of this convention. That the pre-
sident do accordingly censure Mr. Patterson for the indecency and
intemperance of his expressions and declarations, reflecting upon