tend the committee, when requested, and to subscribe the asso-
ciation, when offered to him; that this convention highly disap-
proves his indecent conduct and behaviour to the gentlemen or-
dered by the committee of Anne Arundel county to compel his at-
tendance before them, but in consideration of his submission and
sorrow for his offence, have ordered him to be discharged.
Ordered, That Robert Davis's memorial, with a copy of the above
resolve, be sent to the committee of Anne Arundel county.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Convention met. Mr. Josias Beall, a member for Prince George's,
appeared and took his seat in the house. Mr. Bond has leave
of absence.
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to draw the
form of commissions for the officers of the militia of this province,
and Mr. Thomas Johnson, Mr. Hollyday, and Mr. Wright, were
elected by ballot a committee for thai purpose.
Mr. Nicholson has leave of absence till Monday next,
Resolved, That if the assistance of the militia of Somerset and
Worcester counties, or either of them, should be needed and request-
ed by the committee of Accomack or Northampton county, this
convention is desirous such assistance should be given; and this
province will pay and subsist the militia in that service.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the state of
the province was read and considered; Ordered, That the same be
referred for further consideration until to-morrow.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, half after 9 o'clock.
SATURDAY, December 16, 1775.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday except
Mr. Nicholson and Mr. Bond. The proceedings of yesterday were
read. Mr. Sim has leave of absence.
Upon reading the proposals of Jacob Myer of Frederick county,
for building a powder mill; Ordered, That the same be referred
to the committee for devising the best ways and means to promote
the manufacture of salt petre.
The order of the day, for taking into consideration the state of the
province, was read and considered, and after some time spent in
debate thereon, Resolved, That this convention will, in the after-
noon, resolve itself into a committee of the whole house, to con-
sider of the same.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.