Resolved, That the treasurer of the eastern shore pay to the said
committee, six hundred dollars on account, and that such part
thereof as may be necessary, be expended by them for the purposes
Ordered, That the clerk make out and transmit a copy of the
above resolutions to the committee of Somerset county.
Ordered, That the committee of claims be a committee to ex-
amine the accounts of the treasurers of the eastern and western
shores, and report the state of the same.
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to exam-
ine and report the returns by the committees of observation, of per-
sons in the several counties of this province, who have subscribed,
or refused or neglected to subscribe, the association directed by the
last convention; and Mr. Wright, Mr. Chamberlaine, and Mr. Tol-
ley, were elected by ballot, a committee for that purpose.
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine and report
the returns by the committees of observation of the companies of
artillery, minute and militia men, enrolled or formed into battal-
ions, and of the persons who have enrolled themselves either as
minute, or artillery-men, or in the militia, according to the direc-
tions of the last convention; and Mr. Mackall, Mr. Nicholson,
and Mr. James Tilghman, were elected by ballot a committee for
that purpose.
Resolved, That a committee be appointed to examine and re-
port the quantity of arms and ammunition belonging to this pro-
vince, and the state and condition of such arms and ammunition,
and Mr. Ware, Mr. Beatty, and Mr. Hooper, were elected by bal-
lot a committee for that purpose.
Ordered, That association papers be immediately transmitted to
Kent Island, to be subscribed by the freemen of that Island, and
that the delegates of Queen-Ann's county transmit the same.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Convention met. Mr. William Ennalls, a member for Dorches-
ter county, Mr, Nathaniel Potter and Mr. Henry Dickinson, mem-
bers for Caroline county, and Mr. Peter Chaille and Mr. John
Done, members for Worcester county, appeared and took their
seats in the house. Mr. Waters and Mr. Handy have leave of ab-
The convention being informed that there are a number of can-
non and shot at Fort Cumberland, Old Town, and Fort Frederick,
and also a number of small arms at Isaac Baker's in Frederick coun-
ty belonging to the public,