Ordered, That Gabriel Duvall qualify himself as clerk, by taking
oath, that he will faithfully, diligently and honestly, discharge the
office of clerk to this convention, and that he will not disclose or
reveal the secrets thereof.
The convention appointed Mr. Allen Quynn messenger to attend
this convention, and ordered that he qualify himself as such, by
taking the oath of office and secrecy, as above directed to be taken
by the clerk.
The convention appointed Mr. Robert Reynolds door keeper,
and ordered that he qualify himself as such, by taking the oath of
office and secrecy, as above directed to be taken by the clerk.
Ordered, That the clerk write to the several absent members,
and require their immediate attendance here.
The convention adjourns till to-morrow morning half after nine
FRIDAY, Decembers, 1775.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Richard T. Earle, a
member for Queen Anne's county, appeared and took his seat in
the house.
Certificates of the qualification of the clerk, messenger, and
door keeper, were produced and filed.
A letter from Mr. John Hanson, jun., chairman of the commit-
tee of Frederick county, was read, together with several papers
therein enclosed, relating to Allen Cameron, John Smith, and John
Connolly, now in custody, by order of the said committee.
On motion, Resolved, That a sum not exceeding two hundred
pounds currency, be appropriated for building a strong log jail, in
Frederick town, in Frederick county, at least thirty feet long and
twenty in breadth, lined with two inch plank on end, of two sto-
ries, with split logs, and plank floors, the upper story to be divided
into three rooms, with a stove in each room. And that a small
house be built for the keeper, and occasionally for a guard, enclos-
ing the door of the said jail.
Ordered, That the treasurer of the western shore pay the said
sum of money, or any part thereof, to James Johnson and Thomas
Beatty, or their order, and that the same, or such part thereof, as
shall be necessary, be laid out by them in building the said jail.
Adjourned till -3 o'clock.
Convention met.
Ordered, That the messenger be directed to hire an express to
dispatch letters to the several absent members.