eons shall give receipts for the money by them respectively received,
and keep and return accounts thereof to the treasurer of their re-
spective shore, specifying and distinguishing from whom the same
shall have been received, and if any, what part thereof shall have been
given for either of the said purposes, particularly: and the said mo-
ney shall be paid to the said treasurer, and may be applied and laid
out by the council of safety, or that part of it residing on each
shore respectively, for the purposes before mentioned; having re-
gard, in the application, to the intention of the donors, and promo-
ting the subsistence of the necessitous, rather by erecting manu-
factories, and the employment of such as labour therein, or in work
of any kind, than by immediate gifts; it being the opinion of this
convention that such charities may be rendered much more exten-
sively beneficial, by having the same placed under a general direc-
tion; and that the council of safety may also, on proper security
and terms they approve of, advance a sum not exceeding one thou-
sand pounds common money, for erecting and carrying on one or
more salt works in this province.
Resolved, That the committee of observation in each county,
as soon as may be, transmit to the branch of the council of safety for
their respective shore, a particular account of all arms and ammuni-
tion purchased in their county, pursuant to resolves of the convention
in December last, and of all sums of money subscribed and actu-
ally paid in or contributed, and by whom, for the purchase of the
said arms and ammunition; and that each branch of the council
of safety order the treasurer of their shore to pay to such person
as shall be appointed by each of the said committees, on their re-
spective shore, the amount of the money so paid in and actually
expended in the purposes aforesaid, before the transmitting of such
account, that the same, as well as all other money paid in, not ex-
pended as aforesaid, may be returned to the subscribers or contri-
butors thereof.
Resolved, That the honourable Matthew Tilghman and John
Beale Bordley, Esqs., and Robert Goldsborough, James Hollyday,
Richard Lloyd, Edward Lloyd, Thomas Smyth, and Henry Hooper,
Esqrs., residents of the eastern shore, and the honourable Daniel
of St. Thomas Jenifer, Esq., and Thomas Johnson, jun., William
Paca, Charles Carroll, barrister, Thomas Stone, Samuel Chase,
Robert Alexander, and Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Esqs., resi-
dents of the western-shore, or any nine of them, be a council of
safety for this province.
That every member of the council of safety, before he enters
on the execution of his office, having subscribed the association,
take before some justice of peace, the following oath, to wit.