on the same day in year thereafter, assemble in the counties in
which they are respectively qualified to vote, at the court houses
in the said counties, or at such other place as the legislature shall
direct; and when assembled, or the major part of such of them as
do assemble, shall elect, viva voce, four delegates for each county,
of the most wise, sensible, and discreet of the people, residents in
the county for which they are to be chosen one whole year next
preceding the time of election, above twenty-one years of age, and
having in the state real and personal property above the value of
five hundred pounds current money.
3. "That the sheriff of each county, or in case of sickness, his
deputy, (summoning two justices of the county, who are required
to attend for the preservation of the peace) shall be judge of the
election, and may adjourn from day to day, if necessary, till the
same be finished, so that the whole election shall be concluded in
four days; and shall make his return thereof, under his hand, to
the chancellor of this state for the time being.
4. "That all persons, qualified by the charter of the city of An-
napolis to vote for burgesses, shall, on the same first Monday of
October, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, and on the same
day in every year for ever thereafter elect viva voce, by a majority
of votes, two delegates, qualified agreeable to the said charter;
that the mayor, recorder, and aldermen, of the said city, or any
three of them, be judge of the election, appoint the place in the
said city for holding the same, and may adjourn from day to day as
aforesaid, and shall make return thereof as aforesaid.
5. "That all persons, inhabitants of Baltimore town, and having
the same qualifications as electors in the county shall, on the same
first Monday of October, seventeen hundred and seventy-seven, and
on the same day in every year for ever thereafter, at such place in
the said town as the said judges shall appoint, elect viva voce, by a
majority of votes, two delegates, qualified as aforesaid.
6. "That the commissioners of the said town, or any three or
more of them, for the time being, shall be judges of the said elec-
tion, and may adjourn as aforesaid, and shall make return thereof
as aforesaid; but the inhabitants of the said town shall not be en-
titled to vote for delegates for Baltimore county, unless they have a
freehold of fifty acres of land in the county without the limits of
the said town.
7. "That on refusal, death, disqualification, resignation, or re-
moval out of the state, of any delegate, or on his becoming govern-
or, or member of the council, a warrant of election shall issue by
the speaker, for the election of another in his place, of which ten