the attestation of the divine Being, and that the people called qua-
kers, those called dunkers, and those called menonists, holding it
unlawful to take an oath on any occasion, ought to be allowed to
make their solemn affirmation, in the manner that quakers have
been heretofore allowed to affirm, and to be of the same avail as
an oath, in all such cases as the affirmation of quakers hath been
allowed and accepted within this state, instead of an oath; and
further, on such affirmation, warrants to search for stolen goods, or
the apprehension or commitment of offenders, ought to be grant-
ed, or security for the peace awarded, and quakers, dunkers, or me-
nonists, ought also on their solemn affirmation as aforesaid, to be
admitted as witnesses in all criminal cases not capital." To which
an amendment was proposed by Mr. S. Chase, to strike out the lat-
ter part of the proposed article, which follows in these words, "and
quakers, dunkers, or menonists, ought also on their solemn affirma-
tion as aforesaid, to be admitted as witnesses in all criminal cases
not capital." On which amendment the question was put, and
carried in the negative.
Mr. Barnes, Mr. Sprigg, Mr. Geo. Scott,
Fenwick, Marbury, Horsey,
Dent, S. Chase, Chailie,
Parnham, T. Wright, Bishop,
Grahame, Dickinson, Mitchell.
Bowie, Gust, Scott,
Mr. Plater, Mr. Schriver, Mr. D. Smith,
Fitzhugh, Beall, Brevard,
J. Mackall, Stull, Earle,
Hammond, Ridgely, T. Smyth,
J. Hall, Deye, Kent,
Worthington, Stevenson, Bruff,
Paca, J. Smith, S. Wright,
Carroll, J. T. Chase, Edmondson,
J. Wilson, Love, Gibson,
Bayly, Archer, Potter,
Williams, Gilphin, Mason,
Fischer, Ewing, Johnson.
The question was then put on the whole article, and resolved in
the affirmative.
The order of the day that the convention will resolve itself into