Mr. Jordan, Mr. Edelen, Mr. Murray,
Dent, Beall, Potter,
B. Hall, Stull, Mason,
Sprigg, J. Smith, Dickinson,
Marbury, H. Wilson, Gust. Scott,
Worthington, Gilpin, Geo. Scott,
S. Chase, D. Smith, Horsey,
Paca, W. Ringgold, Chaille,
Carroll, Earle, Bishop,
J. Wilson, T. Wright, Mitchell.
On motion of Mr. Farnham, Resolved, That all and every action,
suit, process, and proceeding, which were depending in the March
and August courts of St. Mary's and Charles counties, and which
have been discontinued by reason of the said courts not being held,
shall be revived and continued to the next November courts to be
held in the said counties, and shall stand and remain in the same
state and condition as they would have been, had the said courts
been regularly held.
On motion, Resolved, That three persons be appointed a com-
mittee to prepare and report instructions for recruiting serjeants,
aud that Mr. Earle, Mr. Gust. Scott, and J. T. Chase, be a com-
mittee for that purpose.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY, October 31, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The pro-
ceedings of yesterday were read.
On motion of Mr. Chaille, the following resolution was entered
Whereas, it is represented to this convention, that the commit-
tee of observation for Worcester county hath declined to act, where-
by merchants who have vessels to clear out of Sinnepuxen inlet or
Pocomoke river are put to great trouble and inconvenience, it is
therefore Resolved, That Messrs. Robert Done, John Shelby, Jo-
shua Mitchell, and John Dennis, or any two or more of them, of
Worcester county, may clear out any vessel, in like manner and
on the same conditions and terms as the committee of observation
for Worcester county aforesaid might or could have done by virtue
of any resolution of convention.
On motion of Mr. S. Chase, Resolved, That the council of safe-
ty be empowered to employ some fit and trusty person or persons,
to purchase and salt up, at the expense of this state, a quantity of
pork not exceeding two thousand five hundred barrels, and a quan-