That the said bills of credit shall be redeemed and sunk on or
before the first day of January, 1786, by taxes, or other legislative
That this convention bind their constituents, and pledge the
faith of this province, for the redemption of the said bills, on or be-
fore the said first day of January, 1786.
Resolved, That the freeholders of each county in this province,
and other freemen having a visible estate of forty pounds sterling,
or qualified by law to vote for burgesses, do on the second Tuesday
of September next, meet together at the court-houses of their re-
spective counties, (except as herein after excepted) and do there,
under the inspection of their respective delegates in this present
convention, or any three or more of them, to whom it is recom-
mended to attend for that purpose, by a majority of voices of such
of the said electors as shall be present, elect, of the most discreet and
sensible of those who are qualified as aforesaid to vote, a com-
mittee of observation for each county respectively, for the term of
one year then next following, to consist of the following numbers;
that is to say, for St. Mary's county, twenty-four; for Charles
county, thirty-two; for Calvert county, fifteen; for Prince-George's
county, thirty-three; for Anne-Arundel county, thirty-four; for Fred-
erick county, fifty-three; for Baltimore county, thirty-seven; for Har-
ford county, eighteen; for Worcester county, twenty-one; for Somer-
set county, twenty-one; for Dorchester county, ninteen; for Caro-
line county, fourteen; for Talbot county, sixteen; for Queen-Anne's
county, twenty-one; for Kent county, twenty-two; for Cecil coun-
ty, sixteen. And that from and after such election, the committees
of observation in being, at and immediately before such elec-
tion, in each county respectively, be and are hereby declared to be
That the committees so to be elected, or a majority of any seven
or more of them, met together, shall have full power and authority
to carry into execution the association and resolves of the con-
tinental congress and conventions of this province, so far as the
same relate to the commercial opposition to the measures of the
British ministry, in which the united colonies are engaged; and to
censure any person or persons, who within their respective counties
shall be by them adjudged to have been guilty of any breach or
breaches thereof, in such manner and degree as hath been or shall
be directed by the said congress and conventions. And shall fur-
ther have full power and authority, on probable proof that any per-
son has been guilty of any high and dangerous offence, tending to
disunite the inhabitants of this province in their present opposition,