communicated to the convention, relative to the ferry over Pofow-
mac river, Ordered, That the clerk be directed to give notice to the
said Robert Peter and Thomas Richardson to attend this conven-
tion on Friday the first of November next, and to bring with them
the ferrymen of the said river, that an enquiry may be made into
the facts set forth in the said letter.
Agreeable to the order of the day, the convention resolved itself
into a committee of the whole, to consider further of the declara-
tion of rights, and form of government for this state; Mr. T. Wright
in the chair. After some time spent therein, Mr. President resum-
ed the chair, and Mr. W right reported, that the committee had, ac-
cording to order, taken into their consideration the declaration of
rights, and form of government for this state, and had come to sev-
eral resolutions thereon, but not having had time to come to a con-
clusion, had directed him to move for leave to sit again.
Resolved, That this convention will on to-morrow resolve itself
into a committee of the whole to consider further of the same.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
FRIDAY, October 25, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Marbury and Mr. Shri-
ver have leave of absence on account of particular private business.
Agreeable to the order of the day, the convention resolved itself
into a committee of the whole, to consider further of the declaration
of rights, and form of government for this state; Mr. T. Wright in
the chair. After some time spent therein, Mr. President resumed
the chair, and Mr. Wright reported, that the committee had, ac-
cording to order, taken into their consideration the declaration of
rights and form of government for this state, and had come to sev-
eral resolutions thereon, but not having had time to come to a con-
clusion, had directed him to move for leave to sit again.
Resolved, That this convention will on to-morrow resolve itself
into a committee of the whole, to consider further of the same.
Mr. Carroll has leave of absence till Wednesday next, on ac-
count of the indisposition of his family; Mr. T. Smyth has leave of
absence for a few days on account of particular private business.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
SATURDAY, October 26, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday, except
Mr. Marbury, Mr. Carroll, Mr. Schriver, and Mr. T. Smyth. The