That the printer and all his apprentices and servants, which he
may employ in the said work, before he or they enter upon the
same, take before some justice of the peace, in the presence of one
or both of the supervisors, the following oath, to wit: "I, A. B.
do swear, that I will truly, faithfully and honestly perform the duty
of printer of the bills of credit, directed to be printed by a resolve of
the convention of Maryland; and that I will not advisedly print, or
stamp, a greater number of blank bills of credit than in that resolve
mentioned; or of any other denominations than therein expressed,
except such sheets as may be so blotted, unfair or imperfect, in the
impressing or printing thereof, that the same shall be unfit for use.
So help me God. "
That the printer shall not, by himself, servants, or any other per-
son by him employed, print, stamp, stitch, or bind the said bills, or
any of them, but in presence of one or both of the said supervi-
sors; and in every intermission of the work, the supervisors shall
safely and securely lock up the press and stamps, with which the
Work shall be performed, and the impressions that shall be then
made, in the room in which the printing and binding shall be done,
and the keys of such room shall keep in their possession; and
when all the said bills shall be printed and stamped, the stamps
shall be delivered by the printer to the said supervisors, and by
them to the convention of this province, or in their recess to the
council of safety.
That Charles Wallace, John Davidson, Nathan Hammond, Rich-
ard Tootel, James Brice, John Brice, Thomas Brook Hodgkin,
John Duckett, Robert Lloyd Nicols, Samuel Sharpe, Richard Tilgh-
man, jr., James Hindman, Peregrine Tilghman, William Perry,
Jeremiah Banning, and Joseph Bruff, be signers of the said bills.
That the said supervisors, as soon as the said bills shall be print-
ed, stamped, stitched, and bound, shall deliver three fourth parts
thereof in value to the treasurer of the western shore, and the
other fourth part thereof in value to the treasurer of the eastern
shore; and the said treasurers shall deliver out to the signers, re-
siding on their respective shore, sufficient of the said bills, to be
immediately numbered and signed by them, not only for payment
of the money immediately demandable from them respectively, but
also to the amount of 3000 dollars over and beyond the same; and
each of the same bills shall be signed and numbered by some two
of the said signers, and returned again to the respective treasurer;
and so from time to time, shall the said bills be delivered out, sigh-
ed, numbered, and returned, either of the said treasurers not keep-