two or more of them shall attend, or this convention make further
order therein ? Carried in the negative.
Mr. Barnes, Mr. Marbury, Mr. J. Smith,
Plater, Hammond, Chase,
Hooe, Wootton, Bond,
Dent, Bayly, Love,
Semmes, Williams, Archer,
Parnham, Sheredine, Gilpin,
Fitzhugh, Hughs, Brevard,
J. Mackall, Schriver, Kent,
Bowie, Schnebely, S. Wright,
Hall, Deye, Edmondson.
Mr. Paca, Mr. W. Ringgold, Mr. Potter,
Carroll, Earle, Mason,
J. Wilson, T. Smyth, Johnson,
Edelen, T. Wright, Gus. Scott,
Beall, Gibson, Geo. Scott,
Stull, Chamberlaine, Horsey,
H. Wilson, Goldsborough, Lowes,
Ewing, Murray, Chaille,
T. Ringgold, John Ennalls, Mitchell.
On motion of Mr. Johnson, Resolved, That a committee be ap-
pointed to prepare and report resolutions to prevent non-associators
from endangering the peace of this state; and Mr. Johnson, Mr.
Parnham, Mr. Chase, Mr. Paca, and Mr. Hooe, were elected by
ballot a committee for that purpose.
Convention adjourns till Tuesday, 3 o'clock in the afternoon.
TUESDAY. September 10, 1779.
Convention met. All members present as on Saturday, except
Mr. Parnham, Mr. J. Mackall, Mr. Bowie, Mr. Hall, Mr. Stevenson,
Mr. T. Ringgold, Mr. W. Ringgold, Mr. T. Smith, Mr. Gibson, Mr.
Potter, and Mr. Mason. The proceedings of Saturday were read.
Mr. John Hall and Mr. Samuel Chase, delegates returned for Anne
Arundel county, appeared and took their seats in the house. Mr.
D. Smith, Mr. Shepherd and Mr. B. Mackall appeared in the house.
The committee of elections report to the convention, that by the
return for Anne-Arundel county it appears, that John Hall, Brice
Thomas Beale Worthington, and Samuel Chase, esquires, are duly
elected delegates for said county.