Basil Clarkson, of Dorchester county, were read and referred to the
committee appointed to consider of the several depositions and pa-
pers relative to the reverend Mr. Scott.
A petition from Abraham Lingenfelter, David Aspaugh, and
Henry Barnes, languishing prisoners in Frederick county jail, and
sundry petitions from William Field, Robert Field, Jeremiah Field,
Joseph Field, Seymour York, Robert Turner, Samuel Devinny,
Stephen Ceffney, and Frederick Craft, now confined in Frederick
town, Frederick county, were read and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Mackall has leave of absence.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow, three o'clock in the after-
TUESDAY, August 20, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday, except
Mr. B. Mackall. The proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr.
Hammond appeared in the house. Mr. Jeremiah Jordan, a dele- ,,
gate returned from St. Mary's county, appeared and took his seat
in the house.
The convention proceeded to elect a surgeon to colonel Thomas
Ewing's battalion of militia for the flying camp, when Dr. John
Dorsey was elected.
A petition from Thomas Watkins, and others, inhabitants of
Anne Arundel county, praying to be permitted to form themselves
into an independent militia company, was read and rejected.
A memorial from Charles Dashiell, of Somerset county, and a
petition from George Dashiell and William Dashiell of said county
were read and ordered to lie on the table.
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
WEDNESDAY, August 21,1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read.
On motion, Resolved, That three persons be appointed a board
to continue the books of accounts of the expenditure, loan or dis-
position of all public monies, by or under the authority of the con-
vention, or council of safety, opened by the late board, with pow-
er to audit, examine and adjust all accounts and sums of money
due from or to this state, and that they transmit the same, with the
respective balances struck, to this convention when sitting, and in
their recess to the council of safety, for their examination and