Mr. Charles Carroll, of Carrollton, a delegate returned for the
city of Annapolis, appeared and took his seat in the house.
On motion of Mr. Plater, Resolved, That Mr. Thomas Gassaway
jun. be added to the signers of the bills of credit.
On motion Resolved, That a delegate be elected for Caroline
county in the room of Mr. William Richardson, whose seat is
vacated by his acceptance of a colonel's commission in the flying
camp; that the said election be held on the 26th of this month at
Melvill's warehouse in said county, by Foster Goldsborough, Jere-
miah Colston, and John White, esquires, or any two or one of them,
and that the said election be held and made agreeable to the direc-
tions and resolves of the last convention.
Resolved, That Mr. Robert Campbell be appointed adjutant to
the eastern-shore battalion of militia for the flying camp.
Agreeable to the order of the day, the convention took into
consideration the resolution of congress declaring the united colo-
nies free and independent states, and thereupon Resolved unani-
mously, That this convention will maintain the freedom and inde-
pendency of the United States with their lives and fortunes.
Doctor John Hindrnan was appointed surgeon to the eastern-
shore battalion of miltia for the flying camp.
On reading a petition from Thomas Harwood of Anne-Arundel
county, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to receive pro-
posals relating to the establishment of manufactories, and report
their opinion thereon; and Mr. Gilpin, Mr. Lowes, Mr. Ridgely,
Mr. Ewing, and Mr. Beall, were elected by ballot a committee for
that purpose.
On motion of Mr. Samuel Chase, Resolved, That a committee be
appointed to examine and report the state of the accounts and
proceedings of the commissioners of the loan office; and Mr.
Grahame, Mr. Barnes, and Mr. Carroll, of Carrollton, were elected
by ballot a committee for that purpose.
Ordered, That the committee of claims report to the convention
the number and denominations of the bills of credit emitted by re-
solutions of the convention in July, 1775, which have been ex-
changed by the treasurers of this state for bills of credit emitted by
resolution of the convention in December last; also the number
and denominations of the former bills of credit now remaining in
the hands of the said treasurers.
On motion of Mr. Samuel Chase, Resolved, That a committee
be appointed to prepare a declaration and charter of rights, and a
plan of government agreeable to such rights as will best maintain
peace and good order, and most effectually secure happiness and
liberty to the people of this state.