Mr. Allen Quynn was appointed messenger, and Mr. Robert Rey-
nolds door keeper. Ordertd, That they severally qualify them-
selves as such, by taking the oath of office and secrecy as above di-
rected to be taken by the clerk.
On motion, Resolved, That a committee of elections be appoint-
ed, and that they be directed to inspect the returns thereof, and re-
port whether the elections have been made agreeable to the direc-
tions of the last convention; and Mr. Gilpin, Mr. S. Chase, Mr.
Worthington, Mr. Wootton, and Mr. Carroll, were elected by bal-
lot a committee for that purpose.
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Covention met. Mr. William Paca, a delegate returned for the
city of Annapolis, and Mr. Nathaniel Potter, Mr. William Rich-
ardson, and Mr. Richard Mason, delegates returned for Caroline
county, appeared and took their seats in the house.
On motion, Resolved, That the council of safety be empowered
to draw for a sum not exceeding thirty thousand pounds, of the bills
of credit now remaining in the hands of the treasurer, appropria-
ted to the calling in and cancelling the bills of credit issued by the
convention in July, 1775, and that they apply the same or any part
thereof to the use of the public, as occasion may require; and that
this convention will make such provision for calling in and cancel-
ling the said former emission as may be necessary.
Certificates of the qualification of the clerk, messenger and door-
keeper, were produced and filed.
Mr. Nicholas Harwood and Mr. John Johnson were appointed
assistant clerks to the convention. Ordered, That they qualify as
such, by taking the usual oath.
Convention adjourns till Monday morning, 9 o'clock.
THURSDAY, August 15, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Robert Goldsborough,
Mr. John Murray, Mr. James Ennalls, and Mr. Joseph Ennalls,
jun., delegates returned for Dorchester county; Mr. Gustavus Scott,
Mr. George Scott, Mr. William Horsey, and Mr. Henry Lowes, del-
egates returned for Somerset county; Mr. Peter Chaille, Mr. Smith
Bishop, Mr. Samuel Handy, and Mr. John Purnell Robins, dele-
gates returned for Worcester county; and Mr. Pollard Edmond-
son and Mr. John Gibson, delegates returned for Talbot county,
appeared and took their seats in the house.