following form, to wit: "We whose names are subscribed, do here-
by enroll ourselves into a company of militia, agreeable to the re-
solutions of the provincial convention held at Annapolis the 26th
day of July, 1775; and we do promise and engage, that we will
respectively march to such places within this province, and at such
times, as we shall be commanded by the convention, or the coun-
cil of safety of this province, or by our officers in pursuance of the
orders of the said convention or council, and there with our
whole power fight against whomsoever we shall be commanded by
such authority as aforesaid. Witness our hands, this ———— day
of ———— 1775.
That each company of militia consist of such officers as are re-
commended by former resolutions of the convention, and of about
sixty-eight privates.
That each company already formed, if it now is, or before the
15th day of September next, shall be made up to fifty privates, or
upwards; and shall have subscribed the said form of enrollment,
shall confirm their election of officers already made, or elect others
in their stead, by ballot, as they shall think proper; and that offi-
cers so chosen for all companies which shall be hereafter formed,
as recommended by the said former resolves; after which confir-
mations and elections, and before the first day of October next,
each captain of militia shall transmit a roll of his company to the
committee of observation which shall be appointed for his county,
who shall as soon as may be, transmit a memorandum or certificate
of the names of the captains, lieutenants, and ensign, and of the
numbers of non-commissioned officers and privates, to the coun-
cil of safety; in order that commissions may issue in the name of
the convention to those officers; which shall be done by the same
convention, or council of safety aforesaid.
That no company shall exceed the number of 74 privates, or
consist of less than 50; and if a greater number than 74 shall be
enrolled in any one company, then the enrollment of any after the
first 68 effective privates shall be deemed void, and such shall en-
roll in some other company, and if a number of men shall be en-
rolled not amounting to fifty privates, besides sufficient for non-
commissioned officers, for any one company, they shall not be con-
sidered as a company; yet as the local circumstances of some neigh-
borhoods may make it very inconvenient for a full company of mi-
litia to meet weekly for exercise, at one and the same place, in
such case the officers may appoint two places at each of which a
several part of their company may be mustered, not oftener than
three times out of four; so that every fourth time at least the whole
may be mustered together.