king the demand, or other sufficient testimony, or attested by some
committee of observation ; or if the charge arises for the service of
any part of the militia of this colony, that the time of their service
be certified by the brigadier-general of their district, or the account
of the time they have been in actual service proved by a field-offi-
cer, captain, or commanding officer of any detachment of militia
that has been or may be employed in the service of this colony.
Mr. Done and Mr. Bishop appeared in the house.
Mr. John Kilty was elected ensign of capt. Tillard's company of
militia for the flying camp, in the room of Mr. John Gassaway who
On motion the question was put, That all interest on bonds or
contracts, except on loan office bonds, cease and determine during
this time of public distress? Carried in the negative.
Mr. Jordon, Mr. T. Johnson, Mr. Ewing.
Barnes Carroll of Car., Sluby,
Hooe, Griffith, Hollyday,
Mackall, Beatty, Murray,
Somerville, Stull, Richardson,
Smith, Moale, Mason,
Allein, J. T. Chase, Scott,
Sim, Rumsey, Chaille,
Beall, Gilpin, Handy,
Contee, Thompson, J. Dashiel.
Mr. Hawkins, Mr. Tolley, Mr. Letherbury,
Harrison, Love, Ringgold.
Carroll, barrister, Dallam,
Adjourned till 3 o'clock.
Convention met.
A petition from William Noke late sheriff of Anne Arundel
county, was read and ordered to lie on the table.
On motion of Mr. Hooe, the question was put, That interest
now due on all debts or contracts, or that shall become due till a
further regulation, except on loan office bonds, may be paid in corn,
wheat, tobacco, flour, hemp, or cotton, at such prices as may be
agreed upon between the creditor and debtor, or on their disagree-
ment, at such prices as may be set by the committee of observation
for the county where the debtor resides, such country produce to
be offered or tendered by the debtor at the capital of the county