curity for the return of said money, as soon as a change of the
times will admit of it ? Carried in the negative.
The convention took into their consideration a report from the
committee appointed to report on the establishment of manufac-
tories, and thereupon Resolved, That three hundred pounds, with-
out interest, be advanced out of the public treasury, to Michael
Cocendofer of Frederick county, for the purpose of carrying on a
stocking manufactory, he giving bond, with good security, to re-
pay the same in fifteen months from the date of contract, either
in money or good merchantable fulled stockings, at such rates as
the convention or council of safety shall determine, in the follow-
ing proportions, to wit: one third thereof in five months, one other
third in ten months, and the remainder in fifteen) mouths from
the date of contract.
That four hundred pounds, without interest, be advanced to John
M'Fadon of Baltimore county, he giving bond, with good securi-
ty, to carry on a linen manufactory, and to erect a bleaching-mill,
and to repay the same in ten months from the date of said bond,
in money, or such brown or bleached linen as the convention or
council of safety may direct, and at such rates and of such quali-
ties as they may determine, in the proportions following, to wit:
one third thereof in four months, one other third in six months,
and the remaining third in ten months from the date of contract.
That one thousand pounds be advanced out of the public trea-
sury to Robert Riddle of Baltimore county, to enable him to carry
on a linen manufactory and bleach field, he giving bond, with good
security, to repay the same in thirteen months from the dat eof said
bond, either in money or such brown or white linen as the conven-
tion or council of safety may direct, and at such value or price as
they may set.
On motion, Resolved, That the balance of the money taken out
of the loan-office by act of assembly, for opening, straightening,
and repairing such parts of the rosfds from Frederick to Baltimore,
and from Frederick to Annapolis, which lie in Anne Arundel
county, be paid by the supervisors into the loan office, where the
same shall be kept; and that what may then remain in the hands
of the supervisors, as well as what may have been collected by the
sheriff, and yet remains in his hands, be applied in aid of the coun-
ty charges of Anne Arundel county.
Mr. Beall brings in and delivers to Mr. President. a report from
the committee appointed to report on the establishment of manu-
factories, which was read a first and second time, and thereupon the
convention taking the same into consideration, Resolved, That five