Mr. Hooe, Mr. Love, Mr. Thomas,
Harrison, Dallam, Murray,
Somerville, Sluby, Richardson,
Stull, Ringgold, Mason,
Tolley, Chamberlaine, Scott.
Whereas, the united colonies have been reduced to the fatal ne-
cessity of taking up arms, in defence of their indubitable and inesti-
mable rights and liberties; and whereas several of the inhabitants of
this colony, lost to every generous sentiment of liberty, and of love
to their country and posterity, have kept up a traiterous correspon-
dence with, and supplied the British troops and navy with provi-
sions, and some of them have joined in arms, and others have acted
as pilots on board the enemy's ships and vessels, whereby the safety
and liberties of this and our sister colonies may be endangered; therefore,
Resolved, That if any inhabitant of this colony shall, after the
fifth day of August next, within or without this colony, or any
person whatever, being an inhabitant of any other of the united
colonies, shall within this colony, after the said fifth day of Au-
gust next, levy war against the united colonies, or any of
them, or shall adhere to any person or persons bearing arms
or employed in the service of Great Britain against the united
colonies, or any of them; or shall afford such persons, or any
of them, any aid or comfort, or shall give them, or any of them, or
any subject of Great Britain, any intelligence of the warlike pre-
parations or designs of the united colonies, or any of them; such
person, on conviction thereof by a petit jury, after a presentiment
by a grand jury, in a court to be erected in this colony by the next
convention, for the trial of such offenders, shall suffer death with-
out benefit of clergy, and forfeit all estate which he had at the time
of the commission of the crime, to be applied to the use of this
colony, unless such convicted person shall be pardoned by the per-
son or persons invested with the power of granting pardons for
such offences.
Resolved, That the several offences aforesaid shall receive the
same constructions that have been given by the judges in England
to such of the said offences as are enumerated in the statute of
Edward the III., commonly called the statute of treasons.
Resolved, That if any inhabitant of this colony shall, after the
fifth day of August next, within or without this colony, or any per-