3, Prince George's 3, Anne Arundel 4, Baltimore 5, Harford 3,
Frederick 8.
And that, for the enrollment of every such company, a proper
person be appointed by the committee of each respective county,
to enlist a sufficient number of men who shall voluntarily offer
themselves, to make up the non-commissioned officers and pri-
vates of each of the said companies, for their respective county;
in the enrolment of whom, care should be had that the men be
strong and effective, and live as convenient as may be, for their
frequent and ready assembling and exercising together.
That the form of the enrollment of minute-men be as follows, to
wit: "We whose names are subscribed, do hereby enroll ourselves
into a company of minute men for —————— county, agreeably to
the resolutions of the provincial convention held at Annapolis the
26th day of July, 1775, to continue such until the 1st day of March
next, and engage, that we will respectively march to such places,
either in this or the neighboring colonies, and at such times as we
shall be commanded by the convention, or the council of safety
of this province, or by our officers in pursuance of the orders of
the said convention or council; and that we will respectively fight
with and employ the arms wherewith we are entrusted, for the pre-
servation of American liberty, against whomsoever we shall be
commanded, by such authority as aforesaid, with our whole power.
Witness our hands, this ———— day of ———— 1775. "
That each company as soon as enrolled and viewed, and allow-
ed by the committee of their county, or by such person or persons
as shall be appointed by such committee for that purpose, shall
elect and choose their proper officers, by ballot, who shall be ap-
pointed and commissioned by the delegates of this province sitting
in convention, or at any time when they are not sitting in conven-
tion, by the council of safety in the name of the convention.
That the said companies in Frederick county compose one bat-
tallion; those in Baltimore and Harford counties jointly another;
and those in St. Mary's, Charles and Prince George's counties
jointly another; and that to each of the same battallions there be
one colonel, one lieutenant-colonel, two majors, one quarter mas-
ter, and one adjutant, appointed and commissioned as aforesaid, by
the convention or council of safety.
That as soon as conveniently may be, after the officers to the
said battallions on the western shore are commissioned, eight men
be drafted from every company of the said battallions, to compose
one company of light infantry to each battallion, to which company
the convention or council of safety shall, as aforesaid, appoint