offender before them, and, upon inquiry into the complaint and
conviction of the offender, to impose such fine upon him or her, as
in their discretion they shall adjudge, not exceeding the said sum
of fifty shillings. And, upon non-payment thereof may, by war-
rant under their hands, empower any person they shall judge proper
to levy the same, by distress and sale of the goods of the offender;
which fine, when so levied, shall be paid into the hands of the
captain or commanding officer for the time being of the company
or party to which such soldier shall belong, and by him paid to the
treasurer of that shore where the offence shall be committed.
That a court martial shall be empowered to punish Jheft, com-
mitted by any soldier enlisted in the service of this province, by
fine, not exceeding forty shillings common money, or by whipping
on the bare back, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes for any one of-
fence, at the discretion of such court martial.
On motion, Resolved, That it be recommended to the commit-
tees of observation to require the owners of cattle kept on the
islands, where they may think such cattle will probably otherwise fall
into the hands of the enemy, to remove such cattle and afford them
the necessary assistance to do the same.
The convention took into consideration the report from the com-
mittee appointed to consider the expediency of exempting the
masters and scholars of the public and private schools from at-
tending musters, and thereupon Resolved, That the masters and
scholars of the several schools, both public and private, in the pro-
vince of Maryland, except the masters and scholars of the free-
school at Chestertown in Kent county, shall hereafter be exempted
from exercising either in the several militia companies, wherein
they are or may be enrolled, or in battalion upon battalion days,
and instead thereof shall exercise in companies, whereof the mas-
ters and tutors shall act as officers, at least once every week. It
being the sense of this convention, that the masters and scholars
shall be exempted from exercising with the militia, but that no
master or scholar, between the ages of sixteen and fifty, shall be
exempted from enrolling in the militia, and, upon an alarm, march-
ing with the respective companies, in which they now are, or
may be enrolled.
On reading a second time the report from the committee appointed
to consider and report proper alterations and additions to the re-
solves of convention, for erecting a powder mill, and for examina-
tion of the accounts of the supervisors of the public salt-petre
works, the convention took the same into consideration, and came
to the following resolutions thereon.