and the allegations and proofs offered in support thereof, as veil
as the allegations and proofs offered by Samuel Purviance in de-
fence of his conduct, Resolved, That the said Samuel Purviance
acted in a public character, and that the pressing emergency on
which he thus acted, renders his conduct blameless.
Resolved, That the said Samuel Purviance be allowed all just and
reasonable expenses attending the complaint exhibited against him
by the said James Hutchings.
On motion, Resolved, That a committee be appointed to ascer-
tain the same; and Mr. Plater, Mr. Beall, and Mr. J. T. Chase,
were elected by ballot a committee for that purpose.
A petition from John M'Fadon of Baltimore town, relative to
the establishment of a linen manufactory, was read and ordered to
lie on the table.
The order of the day for taking into consideration the late inter-
cepted letters to governor Eden, the proceedings of the continen-
tal congtess, and of the council of safety of this province, there-
upon, being read, Ordered, That the same be referred for further
consideration till Saturday next.
Convention adjourns till Saturday morning, 9 o'clock.
SATURDAY, May 18, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on Thursday, except
Mr. Mackall and Mr. Smith. The proceedings of Thursday were
A letter from James Duane, Esq., enclosing resolutions of con-
gress, and a memorial from the freemeen of North Susquehanna
hundred in Cecil county were severally read and ordered to he on
the table.
Mr. Griffith brings in and delivers to Mr. President a report from
the committee appointed to consider of the several petitions rela-
tive to proceedings of committees of observation against non-en-
rollers, which was read and ordered to lie on the table.
Mr. Griffith, Mr. Currer, and Mr. Letherbury have leave of ab-
The convention, agreeable to the order of the day took into
their consideration the charges reported against Samuel Purviance,
jr., of Baltimore town, and on hearing Mr. Purviance and the sev-
eral witnesses by him produced, Resolved, That the said Samuel
Purviance, since the rising of the last convention, hath usurped a
power to direct the operations of the military force of this province,
(at a time when the council of safety, to whom the same solely and