Convention met. Mr. Rumsey, Mr. Hall, Mr. Paca, Mr. Love,
Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. J. T. Chase, appeared in the house.
A memorial from Francis Baker of Talbot county, praying a re-
mission of the sentence pronounced against him at the last session
of convention, which forbids him to offer himself for any office of
trust, was read and ordered to lie on the table.
On reading a second time the petition of lieutenants Uriah For-
rest, William Bowie, and Benjamin Brooks, of the second inde-
pendent company of regular troops, Ordered, That captain John
Gunby appear before this convention, or in the recess thereof be-
fore the council of safety, on Monday the 20th instant, to answer
the charge exhibited against him in said petition.
Ordered, That summonses issue to Henry Jackson and lieu-
tenants William Bowie and Benjamin Brooks of Somerset county,
captain James Handy of Worcester county, and Mr. Robert Cum-
mins of Baltimore county, to appear before this convention, or in
the recess thereof before the council of safety, on Monday the 20th
On reading a second time the petition of William Faris, Resolv-
ed, That a committee be appointed to examine into the facts set
forth in the said petition, and report thereon to the convention;
and that Mr. Griffith, Mr. Joseph Dasheill, and Mr. Hawkins be a
committee for that purpose.
Ordered, That Alexander Wickham be allowed the sum of three
shillings and six pence per day during his confinement for subsist-
Convention adjourns till to-morrow morning, 9 o'clock.
FRIDAY, May 10, 1776.
Convention met. All members present as on yesterday. The
proceedings of yesterday were read. Mr. Beall appeared in the
Mr. Griffith brings in and delivers to Mr. President a report from
the committee appointed to examine into the facts set forth in the
petition of William Faris, which was read and ordered to lie on
the table.
A petition from Robert Wood of Frederick county, relating to the
erecting a sheeting and slitting mill; the proceedings of the com-
mittee of observation for Prince George's county, on the 6th inst.;
a petition from James Hutchings, of Queen Anne's county, against
the conduct of Samuel Purviance; a petition from the Pomonkey