liberties of America; and also have power and authority to hear,
try and imprison till the end of the next convention, or banish all
such offenders guilty of the offence aforesaid, as may be sent to
them by the several committees of observation.
That the said council of safety have full power and authority to
pardon all offenders upon whom sentence of death shall be pro-
nounced by a court-martial, under the rules passed by this conven-
tion for governing the forces raised or to be raised within this pro-
vince, for the defence thereof.
That the said council of safety may call a meeting of the con-
vention of Maryland before the time to which it may be adjourned,
and that any two members rnay call a meeting of the said council
of safety.
That the said council of safety may draw upon the treasuries of
the western and eastern shores for all charges and expenses incur-
red in the execution of their office.
That the said council of safety sit constantly if the service re-
quires it, and that their ordinary sessions be held at the city of An-
napolis or Baltimore town, but the place of sitting maybe changed
at the discretion of the said council to any other part of the pro-
vince, where the public service may require it.
That every member of the said council of safety, before he en-
ters on the execution of his office, take, before some justice of the
peace, the following oath, to wit: "You A. B. do swear, that any
matter or thing which shall come to your knowledge as a member
of the council of safety which is ordered to be kept secret by a
majority of the said council of safety, you will not divulge, unless
to the deputies in congress for this province, with the permission
of the said council of safety, or to a convention of delegates, or
member of the said council of safety, or with the permission of the
said council of safety or convention. So help you GOD." And that
the clerk of the said council of safety shall take an oath in the said
form, except instead of the words "as a member of the council of
safety," inserting, "as clerk to the council of safely."
That the said council of safety continue till the end of the next
convention and no longer, unless otherwise ordered by the next
convention, and that they render an account of their proceedings,
and always be subject to the control of the convention.
That the honourable Daniel of St. Thomas Jenifer, Esq., and
Charles Carroll, barrister, John Hall, and Benjamin Rumsey, esqrs.,
of the western shore, and James Tilghman, Thomas Smyth, and
Thomas Bedingfield Hands, Esqrs., of the eastern shore, be the
said council of safety.