Thomas Tench Esqr against Joseph Chew
Garnishee of Alexdr Chappel
Ib of Tob
To Provinciall Cost thereon ................................
To Chan: Fees for two writts of Error: Sir fa: and Supersed: ....
To fileing transcript, 8 Sides ...............................
To file Writt of Error, Scir fac: and Return ..................
To file Errors 39 Sides ....................................
Judgmt Entring ..........................................
004[ ]
Filing Cost ..............................................
004[ ]
Copy of Cost and Judgmt ..................................
01[ ]
Execu: and Return .......................................
00[ ]
Attorney fee ............ Phillip Clarke ....................
[ ]60
[8] Henry Hawkins agt Phillip Lynes continued untill next Court; Bur-
gesses Exrx agt Michael Miller continued untill next Court, Filing Errors in
18 days.
James Round agt Robert Howard
[A Procedendo upon this Judgmt [i]ssued to the Provll Court, Dated 12th of
Septembr 1695. Vide file of Writs]
The Defendant having (by their Maties Writt of Error issued out of the
high Court of Chancery bearing date the 20th day of July 1694) caused the
Record, process and proceedings of a certain Action in a Plea of Trespass
brought by the Said James Round in the Provinciall Court, as also the
Judgmt of the Said Court theron given, to be transmitted unto this Honrble
Court and were filed the 20th day of September next after, in Oorder [sic] to
correct Errors (as was Said) but the Said Robert Howard neglecting to file
any Reasons (pursuant to the Rules of the Said Court) why the Said Judg-
ment Should be Reversed, leaving his Said Writt wholly unprosecuted, It is
therefore adjudged by the Court Here (to Witt) the 17th day of May in the
7th Year of Their Maties Reign etc. Annoque Domi 1695. that the Same be
dismissed and further that the Said Robert Howard Satisfy and pay unto the
Said James Round the Summe of Nineteen hundred twenty four pounds of
Tobacco for his Costs and Charges in this behalf laid out and expended and
that the Said James Round have thereof Execution.
Cost upon Writt of Error to the Gov-
ernr and Councill etc.
James Round agt Robert Howard
1 " Copy of the Errors and the Summons's raised out by Ordr of Mr Clerk and Mr Chew.
Hen: Denton " — a marginal note, which referred to an item of costs scratched out on the face of
the record, originally reading: " To Copy of the Same .... 1872."