At a Court of Appeals and Errors held before his Excellency the Gover-
nour and his Lordships Honrble Council on the first Tuesday of Ocf being
the first Day of the Same Month Annoque Dom 1728
Present: His Excey the Govr; The Honrble Co* Wm Holland; Benja Tasker
Esqr and Charles Calvert Esqr, of the Council.
The Court Adjourns Untill the morrow morning 10 of the Clock Be-
fore Noon
The Court meet According to Adjournment
Present: His Excey the Govr; Co* Wm Holland; Col Richd Tilghman; M: T:
Ward Esqr; Philip Lee Esqr; Benja Tasker Esqr and Charles Calvert Esqr, of
the Council
Philip Key Gent Qualifyed himself this Day as an Attorney in this
Court by taking the Oath to the Government and the Oath of an Attorney.
The Court Adj08 till to Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock before noon
Thursday October gd 1728 The Court meet According to Adjournment
Present: The Honrble Co* Wm Holland; Ra Tilghman Esqr; M:T: Ward
Esqr; John Rousby Esqr; Charles Calvert Esqr; Nicha Lowe Esqr, of the
The Court adjourns till to Morrow Morning 9 of the Clock. Friday
Octr 4th 1728 The Court meet According to Adjournment. The Court Ad-
journs till to Morrow morning 9 of the Clock, Saturday Octr 5th 1728 The
Court meet According to adjournment Present as Yesterday The Court
Adjourns till Monday Morning 9 of the Clock. Monday Ocf 7th 1728 The
Court meet according to Adjournment.
Present: His Excey the Governour; [749] The Honrble John Hall Esqr;
M. T. Ward Esqr; Benj" Tasker Esqr; John Rousby Esqr; Philip Lee Esqr;
Nicha Lowe Esqr; Charles Calvert Esqr, of the Council.
Tuesday Ocf 8th 1728 The Court meet According to adjournment
Present as Yesterday. The Court Adjourns till to Morrow Morning 9 a
Clock. Wednesday 8 ber 9th 1729 The Court meet according to adjourn-
ment. Present His Excey the GoV and the Council as Yesterday. The Court
Adjourns till to Morrow morning 9 a Clock. Thursday 8ber the ioth The
Court meet According to adjournment Present as Yesterday The Court
adjourns till to Morrow Morning Nine aclock Friday Ocf the Eleventh The
Court meet according to adjournment Present as Yesterday the Court ad-
journs till to Morrow Morning 9 aclock Saturday 8ber the twelueth The
Court meet according to adjournment Present as Yesterday the Court ad-
journs till Munday Morning 9 aclock Munday October the 14* 1728 The
Court meet according to adjournmt Present as on Saturday last. The Court
adjourns till to Morrow Morning 9 aclock. Tuesday Ocf 15 1728 the Court
Meet according to adjournment Present as Yesterday The Court adjos till
to Morrow Morning 9 aclock Wednesday Ocf 16 1728 the Court Meet ac-
cording to adjournment and adjournd till to Morrow Thursday Ocf 17