clared And for Tryall thereof he puts himself upon the Country. And the
plf also And Forasmuch as the afd Robt Tiler the Lessor is High Sherriff of
Prince Georges County af"1 and thereby has So great an Influence over the
Inhabitants of the Said County that an Indifferent Tryall of the issue afd
Cannot in all Probability be had in the County afd the afd Charles Carroll
by his Attorney Prays that the Venue may be Charged to Annll County wcn is
by the Court here Ordered Accordingly. And Thereupon Command is given
to the Sherr of Annl County that he Cause to Come before the Justices of
the Provl Court at Annapolis the third Tuesday of May Next or before the
Justices Appointed To Take the Assizes in his County if they Shall before
that Time to Witt on Monday the tenth Day of Aprill Next to the County
Court house in his County Come Twelve Good and Lawfull men of his Baily-
wick by Whom who Neither etc. To Recognize etc. because as well etc.
Afterw38 the Process Continued between the parties afd on the plea afd
by the Jury being put Thereon in Respect here Untill the third Tuesday of
May Next Unless the Justices of his Lordship the Lord Proprietor to Take
the assizes in the Sd County Assigned on Monday the Tenth Day of Aprill
Next to the County Court House in the Sd County Should Come
And now here this Day To Witt the Sixteenth day of May Anno Dom
1727 Comes again before the Justices of the Provl Court here as well the Said
Wm Jones Lessee of the Sd Robert Tiler by his Attorney afd as the Sd Charles
Carroll by his Attry afd But the Sa Sherr hath not Sent his writt Whereupon
Command is again given to the Sherr of Annll County that he Immediatly
Cause to Come here Twelve etc. to Recognize in form afd. Of which Said
precept the Said Sherr To Witt James Govane Gent (Now here at this Day
to Witt the Same day and year Last mentioned) Makes return that he has
here ready Twelve etc. as by his precept he was Commanded. Whereupon
before the Jury went from the Barr the Court here Declared their Opinion
that the Grant to the plfe is no Surrender of the Grant to his father Under
wch he Claims by disent to which the Defts Councel Excepts. According to
the Statute and Desires a bill of Exceptions may be Allowed etc. Wch is by the
Court here granted Accordingly. And now here Afterwds To Witt the Same
Day and year last mentioned Comes as well the Sd Plf1 as the Said Deft by their
Attorneys afd and the Jurors of the Jury being Impannelled who being Called
Likewise Come To Witt Philip Jones Thomas Nevett Basile Nowell Jno
Eccleston Jno Gaither Jno Meriken Wm Hammond Edward Gaither James
Hays Thos Davis Richd Owens Richd Todd who being duly Elected Tryed
and Sworne to Say the Truth in the premisses upon their Oath do Say that
the Said Charles Carroll is Guilty of the Tresspass and Ejectment afd in man-
ner and form as the Plf[ above Agt him hath declared. Therefore it is Con-
sidered by the Justices [745] Here the Day and year Last mentioned that the
Said Wm Jones Lessee of the Sd Robert Tiler Recover his Term afd yet to
Come of in and unto Three hundred Acres of plantable Land being part of