Tilghman Ward; Benja Tasker Esqr; Co* Samuel Young; Col Thomas Addi-
son; Col Richard Tilghman; James Bowles Esqr, of the Council
The Court Adjourns till to Morrow morning 8 a Clock
Wednesday May the i9th 1725. The Court meet According to Adourn-
ment Present as yesterday. The Court Adjourns till to Morrow morning
8th of the Clock. Thursday May the 2oth 1725. The Court meet According
to Adjournment Present as Yesterday.
[J:G:D:D:] Levin and Thos Hicks Sons and Devisees of Thos Hicks
deced v Sewards Heirs Cont Petition and Appeale proceedings filed T: B:
appears with liberty at any time hereafter to insist on the Non payment of
the former prosecution, before the bringing of the Suit in the Same manner
as he might now insist upon the Same; [D.D:] Kenelin Skillington v [T:B:]
William Turner Appeale from the Provl Court Errors filed This Cause
With consent of the plaintiffs Attorney Struck off without Cost; [T:B:] Henry
Ennalls v John Eccleston Ca sa Dorchr. No ret. ordered to be renewed,
The aforegoing last Cause is Continued untill Next Court.
The Court Adjourns to the next day of Next Provincial Court
Test William Gumming Clk Court of Appeals
At a Court of Appeals Held before his Excellency the Governour and his
Lordships Honourable Council for hearing Appeals and Writts of Error at
the Port of Annapolis on the Third Tuesday of October being the i9th Day
of the Same Month Annoque Dom 1725
Present: His Excellency Charles Calvert Esqr Governour; The Honble Willm
Holland Esqr; John Hall Esqr; Coi M. T. Ward; John Rousby Esqr; Philip
Lee Esqr; Saml Young Esqr; Philemon Loyd Esqr; James Bowles Esqr; Benja
Tasker Esqr, of the Council
The Court adjourns till to morrow morning 10 a Clock Wednesday
October the 2Oth 1725 The Court meet According to Adjournment. Pres-
ent as yesterday. The Court adjourns till to Morrow Morning 10 a Clock
Thursday Octr the 2st 1725. The Court meet According to Adjournment.
Present as yesterday. The Court adjourns till to morrow morning 10 a Clock.
[648] Friday Octr the 22a 1725 The Court meet According to Adjournment.
Present as Yesterday. Together with Co* Tilghman The Court adjourns
till to morrow morning 10 a Clock. Saturday Octr the 23d 1725. The Court
meet According to Adjournment. Present as Yesterday. The Court ad-
journs till munday Morning 10 a Clock Munday October the 25th 1725
The Court meet According to Adjournment. Present as on Saturday The
Court adjourns till Tuesday morning 8 a Clock.
Tuesday October the 26th 1725 the Court meet According to adjourn-
Present: His Excellency the Governour; The Honrble Co} Wm Holland; John
Hall Esqr; Rd Tilghman Esqr; John Rousby Esqr; Saml Young Esqr; Phile-
mon Loyd Esqr; Col M. Tilghman Ward; Philip Lee Esqr, of the Council