and ordr the proceedings to be transmitted accordingly and yr petr shall
readily Comply with what ever yr Excy, as Chancellor or yr Excy and Councill
[425] Shall think fitt to Direct in order thereto And shall also pray etc.
Th Bordley.
i6th September 1719
Jo Hart
Afterwards To Witt on the Same 2 Jst day of October Anno Domini 1719
At a Court held before his Excellency the Governour and his Lordships
Honourable Councill for hearing Appeals and Writts of Error.
Present: His Excellency John Hart Esqr Governour; Colo Wm Holland; Colo
Saml young; Colo Thos Addisson; Phil Lloyd Esqr; Colo Richd Tilghman;
Colo Mat Tilghman Ward, Members of his Lordships Honrble Councill
And the Said Thomas Bordley in his proper person As also the Said
John Gresham and Daniel Dulany his Councill appear And thereupon the
said Daniel Dulany takes Severall exceptions Ore tenus To the Said Bordleys
Appeale and the manner of prosecuting thereof And thereupon the Ques-
tion being put whether the Said Bordley has a right to an Appeale before the
Governour and Councill or not Resolved in the Affirmative. And Ordered
that the Comp" give Security in this Court in Double the Sume Decreed in
the Chancery Court that he Shall well and truly comply with the Decree of
this Court to be made in this Cause Whereupon Ordered a hearing to Mor-
row three a Clock after noon To which time the Court then adjourned.
October 22" The Court met according to Adjournment. The Said Thos
Bordley being taken Violently Sick So that he cannot attend the business
of the Court. Ordered that the Court be adjourned to the Same day of the
Chancery Court Viz( the Sixteenth day of Aprill 1720 At which Said next
Court To witt the i6th day of Aprill [426] Anno Domini 1720. In Com-
plyance with the Order last Court That the Complainant give Security in this
Court in Double the Sume Decreed in the Chancery Court that he Shall
well and truly Comply with the Decree of this Court to be made in this
Cause. Thereupon the Complainants bond given in Last Court is ordered to
be lodged among the Court papers. And thereupon Ordered (the Assembly
being now Sitting) That the Court be adjourned till the first Tuesday in
May next being the fifth day of the Same Month To which day the Said Cause
is continued. At which Said next Court To Witt the fifth day of May Anno
Domini 1720. Ordered this Cause be continued till the twenty Sixth day of
this Instant May And thereupon day is given to the Said parties till next
Court. At which sd next Court To witt on the twenty Sixth day of May Anno
Domini 1720 The said John Gresham by his Councill aforesd repeated his
former motion against the sd Bordleys Appeale and the manner of prosecut-
ing thereof Whereupon the Question being put whether the former rule
Shall Stand or not it was resolved in the affirmative And that they proceed
to hearing.