wards that he lookt upon him this Deponent to be the plaintiffs particular
friend, at which this Deponent was Very much Displeased, that it Shou'd be
Supposed he wou'd to [sic] any thing out of favour or affection in any case
[401] referr'd to him, And Some time thereafter the Deponent Discouring
that affair to the Complainant concerning the Difference between him and
the Defendant, and expressing his trouble that the Said differences Cou'd
not be removed told him the Complt that he this Deponent wou'd rather
pay one half of what was in dispute between them than that the Differences
Should not be composed, adding that it was his Excys desire a Composition
should be made of the said matter, upon which the Complainant Said he
would agree to referr it to the Deponent and drew up a State of the accounts
and gave them to the Deponent: which he has now lost, and knows not any
thing of the Nature of Said accounts) which the s" Dept acquainted the de-
fendant of, and then upon Some Discourse which the Deponent had wth the
Deft (which Discourse the Deponent cannot well remember) but believes
it was about Some Tobo, that was Sold by Mr Wootton due to the sa Wool-
ton out of the forty per poll payable to Mr Brice the deP refused to referr it
to the sd Deponent, and to the said Eighth Article further Saith not
To the 9th Article being Interrogated Saith — he knows nothing of it
more than what he has already declared in the 8th Article
Mr Christopher Vernon being Sworne on the holy Evangelists of Al-
mighty God to the 7th Article in the Interrogatories mentioned Saith That in
the year 1711 but as tu what time in sd year he Cant remember but believes it
was in a Scarce time to get Tobacco, there was a large List of Dts brought
downe to him, in which List he found himself Dr 6777*o tobacco to the Com-
plainant (which list to the best of his remembrance Amounted to about
thirty five thousand and odd pounds of Tobacco) and that the Severall per-
sons in sd list named were ordered by said Comp" to pay the said Severall
Sumes to the Defendant in order to discharge a debt which he understood
the said Complt owed the Said Defendt, under which Dl Said Complt Seem'd
to be Very uneasie and Said he would discharge it with all possible Speed for
that the Defendant was Very pressing on him, And that he this Deponent
believes a paper [402] now produced to him this Deponent at the time of
Examination and rendring his Deposition to Said Interrogatorie is the
Original or a true Copy of Said List Amounting to the Said Sume of Thirty
five thousand and odd pounds of Tobacco and that he this Deponant paid
the Sume of 6777th Tobacco mentioned in Said List to the Defendant and
that when he came to the defts to pay him the said deft Seem'd Very ready to
take it,'and Comp" and sd he Shou'd be glad to get it at any rate and took
tobacco from him this Deponant in Discharge thereof in Baltemore County
with only twelve pence per hundred Exchange, And at the Examin" of Said
Vernon he being askt whether he knew the persons in said List to be in-
solvent or no Saith he knoweth not And further Saith not.