what accrued to their memories touching the same in testimony where of we
have [354] here unto Set our hands and Seals this twentyth day of September
Anno Dom 1718
Tho Clagett [Seale]
Patrick Hepburn [Seale]
Ja Haddock [Seale]
PRINCE GEORGES Co ss The Deposition of Robert Taylor aged forty
Seven years on twelfth day next The Deponent Declares on oath That above
twenty five years agoe he applyed himself to one Rofr Anderson to show him
the bounds of a Tract of land called Essington the said Anderson replyed he
coud shew all the bounded trees of the said Tract; the Deponent asked the
said Anderson if they were all alive and Standing the said Anderson an-
swered yes except the last bounded tree and that was either dead or a dying
for there was an Eagle built in it which had caused it to dye as he believed
but the said Anderson went wth the Deponent to the above Said Trees and
Shewed him a bounded tree Standing on the North Side of a Deep branch
that runs into Patuxent river it being then Standing and a fair bounded
tree and some part of the Nest as the said Anderson had told the Deponent
up in the Tree and in the Stump upon which the said Tree then Stood there
is now a plumb tree growing in the room of a pear tree which was ordered
by a Jury of resurvey to be planted in the Sd Stump which was brought by
Mr Robert Anderson agt Mr Roger Brook the Deponent asked the said An-
derson how he came by this knowledge of the Tree he answered Truman
Beall Shewed it him and told him that was the last bounded tree of Essington
in a Short time after there happened a Dispute between the said Anderson
and the Deponent about a parcell of land which the Deponent then took up
near the last bounded tree of Essington about nineteen or twenty years agoe
the said Anderson desired the Deponent to give on [sic] Robert Hobbs of
Calvert County his oath touching his knowledge of the last bounded tree of
Essington which the Deponent did and the above sd Hobbs Declared that he
was with Charles Boteler at the first laying out of the abovest Tract of land
and Carried the chain and See all the trees bounded but could Swear to none
but the first and the last and then he knew by the remarkable places they
Stood in and the sd Hobbs went to the above said white oak and laid his hand
on it and Declared on oath that he [355] bounded the abovesaid Tree for the
last bounded Tree of Essington on one within ten foot or ten yards of the
Same place he knowing it by a glayd and Some trees he had Marked by it to
know it again and Some Marked trees which the sd Hobbs had taken Notice
of one by the River Side. To witt a Dogwood at the Root of which grew
out an Ivy bush that he leaned agt when Charles Boteler Sent him to see how
farr the River was off when he returned he told the Said Boteler he had Seen