mention'd in his Deposition and also Declared on his oath that Mr Botteler
asked him at his returne which way the River bore the Deponent Hobbs
told him to the Westward or right had on which the said Mr Boteler told him
it was well enough for then the given line wou'd Soon Strike the River and
bid him the said Hobbs bound that tree which he did which Hobbs Swore
was either that very tree at which he was then Sworne or Stood within ten
or fifteen yards of that place This evidence of Hobbs and all its Circum-
stances So convinced the Jury and all then present that they there began
Immediatly and laid out Mr Roger Brooke's land called Amptill Grange and
Mr Brooke then agreed the Suit he had commenced agt Anderson and to the
best of my remembrance paid Some or all of the said Andersons Cost of said
Suit and further the Deponent Saith not
Tho Addison
In obedience to a Commission out of the high Court of Chancery Di-
rected to Thomas Clegatt Docf Patrick Hepburn James Stoddert and James
Haddock or any two or three of us as Commissioners to Examine Evidences
in a Certain Cause Depending in the Said Court between Thomas Wells
Comp" and Charles Carroll Esqr Deft wee have this day Examined the
Honble Colo Thomas Addison [352] on his Corporall oath by us duely ad-
ministred touching his knowledge in Relation to the Cause afd who De-
clared the above deposition to be the Sume and Substance of wt accur'd [sic]
to his memory touching the Same. In testimony whereof wee have hereunto
Sett our hands and Seals the 15th day of September 1718.
James Stoddert [S]
Ja: Haddock [S]
Interrogatharyes Put by the Defendn to the Honble Coll. Thomas Ad-
dison in the Cause Depending in the high Court of Chancery between
Thomas Wells Comp" and Charles Carroll Esqr Defendant
ist. Whether Hobs was sworne by Virtue of any Commission out of
Chancery in perpetuam rei Memoriam.
2d Whether the then Propry of Enfield Chase ware by at that time and
if they weare whether they Cross interrogated Hobbs.
3d How far from the River did the tree Stand whereat Hobbs pre-
tended Evidence referrs to.
4th How Come Essington to be extended abl 300 pces from the place
where Hobbs swore to, to a place in patuxent at the Distance afd
5th Whether by the Evidence of Hobbs, there are not diverse Courses
more especially one of about 300 perches more then pa" of Amptill Grange
expresses, added to it as a Consequence of the sd Hobbs evidence
ist Answer. Hobbs was then Sworne and Emained [sic] By a Jury that
was Commanded By a precept of the Provincial Court to Resurvey the land
called Amptill Grange. But whether he was ever examined by a Commis-
sion out of Chancery or no I know not.