unto untill next Court and he hath it and the same day is given to the plantiff
At which said next ... to witt the Sixth day of July Annoque Dom
1708 comes again the said partys by their Attornys aforesaid and the said
Edward Hamond by his said Attorney prays further leave to Imparle here-
unto untill next Court and he hath it And the same day is given to the
Plantiff alsoe.
At Which said next Court to witt the Seaventh day of Septemb Annoque
Dmi 1708 conies again the said Stevens White Lessee of the said John Watts
and Priscilla his wife by his Attorney aforesaid and prays that the said Ed-
ward Hammond to his Declaration in the plea aforesaid may Answer And
thereupon Cornelius White Attorney for the said Edward Hammond as be-
fore defends the force and Injury when etc. and says that he is not informed
by his said Clyent of any Sufficient matter or thing to plead in barr or Avoid-
ance of the Action aforesaid so as aforesaid brought And further therein
saith nothing Whereby the Plantiff remains against the said Defendant
wholly undefended.
Therefore it is Considered by the Justices here the day and Year Last
mentioned that the said Stevens White Lessee of the said John Watts and
Priscilla his wife recover against the said Edward Hammond his terme to
come and unexpired of in and unto the aforesaid Land Messuage and
premises and premises [sic] with its Appurtenances [213] and that he have
thereof his possession against the said Edward Hammond And also its Con-
sidered by the Justices here that the said Stevens White Lessee of the said
John Watts and Priscilla his wife Recover against the said Edmond Hamond
the Sume of One Thousand four hundred and ten pounds of tobacco by
the Court here Adjudged unto him for his costs and Charges in this behalf
Laid out and Expended and that he be taken etc.
Afterwards to Witt the Fifth day of Aprill in the Eighth Year of her
Majestys Reigne etc. Annoque Doni 1709 The Record and process of the
plea aforesaid with all things thereunto relating by Virtue of her Majestys
certain Writt for correcting of Errours whose date is the Seaventeenth day
of February last To the Justices of her said Majestys Provinciall Court di-
rected to the said Edward Hamond relating before her Majesty and Councill
of her said Province at their Next meeting to hear Appeals and Writts of
Error at the City of Annapolis are sent etc. In Witness Whereof the seale of
the said Provinciall Court is hereunto Affixed per Jno Beale Clr [Loc Sigil]
Edwd Hamond v Watts Lessee
And the said Edward Hamond by Wornell Hunt his Attorney comes
and Says that in the Record and process as also in rendring of the Judgment
aforesaid it is Manifestly Erred in this that by the Record thereof it appears