same, Lynes Execri agt The same, — These three causes are referrd untill next
Court to be held on the Seavnteenth day of Aprill next And Orderd Mr At-
torney Generall give notice to the Honoble Coll Robt. Quarey to be then
present to hear the Errors Argued if he pleases to appear to which time by
consent of the Plant. Attorneys in Error the said causes are continued.
The Court Adjourns to 17th Aprill next
At A Court of our Sovereigne Lady Anne by the Grace of God Queen
of great Brittain France and Ireland defender of the faith etc. for hearing
Appeals and regulating Writts of Error held at the City of Annapolis the
Seventeenth day of Aprill in the Eleaventh Year of her said Majtys reigne etc.
Annoque Dmi 1712.
Were present: The Honoble Edwd Lloyd Esqr Presidt; Coll* Wm Holland;
Coll: Wm Coursey; Coll Thos Addison and Colll Robt Quarey, Of her
Majts Councill
Who Adjourne the Court till tomorrow Morning.
At A Court of our Sovereigne Lady Queen Anne of Great Brittain etc.
for hearing Appeals and rugulating Writts of Error held at Annapolis the
Eighteenth day of Aprill in the 11th Yeare of her said Majtys Reigne Annoque
Dmi 1712
Were present Vizt: The Honble Edward Lloyd Esqr Presidt; Col: Wm Hol-
land; Coll Wm Coursey; Samll Young Esqr; Col Cha: Greenberry; Phill
Loyd Esqr; Cot: Tho: Addison; Colt Richd Tilgman; Capt" John Dorsey;
Coll Robt Quarey, Of her Majts Council
[206] Edward Hammond agt John Watts et uxr Continued; Mitchells Admr8
v Dmna Regina, Arthur Miller Execr Miller agt The same, — In these two
causes her Majestys Attorney Generall humbly mooves the Court that the
Records here transmittd may not be recievd for insufficiency of the Writts
of Error Which specifies the Judgments to have been obtaind in the Court of
her present Majesty whereas it was in the Court of her predecessor King
William and that the records thereby returnd are not duly remooved There-
fore prays the Judgment of the Court thereon and that the Writts aforesaid
may be quasht. Which being deliberated It is the Judgment of the whole
Court a sufficient reason and the Writts of Error aforesaid are quasht ac-
cordingly. Lynes's Execrx v Dma Regina Abates by death of the Plantiff in
Error; Renatus Smith and Antho Ivey Execrs Robt Smith Esqr agc Thoms
Robins In Error — The Record from the Provinciall Court being trans-
mitted Orderd Scire facias Issue to the defendant to hear the Errors As-
signed against next Court; James Edmondsons Admrx ag<- Hugh Halls Admr
— The Defendant by Wornell Hunt his Attorney appeares and Imparles till
next Court.
The Court Adjournes to the 17th of July next
Th Jones Clk Appeal"