bounded hickory and runing from the said post Northwest One hundred
and twenty perches to A bounded White oake then West by South one hun-
dred and Eight perches to A locust post near the head Swamp of A Creek
calld Scotchers Creek and running downe the said Creek South ten degrees
West forty perches South Six degrees East Eighteen South fourteen degr
East fifteen perches South thirty degrees East Twenty Eight perches North
Seaventy five degrees east Forty Six perches South five perches South Fifty
Six degrees West 50 perches South Nine degrees east twenty perches South
Twenty Six degrees East Twenty perches South Six degrees West Twenty
Six perches South thirty two degrees West forty perches South Fifty [Seaven]
degrees east thirty Seaven perches South twenty Five degrees West thirty
one perches South Fifty Seaven degrees West thirty Six perches to the line
of Oliver Sprys then runing With the said line South east one hundred and
two perches to the head of A Creek calld fishing Creek then bounding on
the said Creek running downe North Easty Seaven degrees East Seaventy
eight perches South thirteen degrees east twenty Six perches East Six per.
North Fifty Seaven degrees east Sixteen perches South fifty degrees East Six-
teen perches North Sixty Seaven degrees East Sixteen perc. South Fifty
degrees East Sixteen perches North Sixty Seaven degrees East Six perches
North twenty four degrees east Sixteen perches South thirty Six degrees East
Seaven perches to the bay then bounding on the Bay North forty degrees east
One hundred and Seaventeen perches to the Mouth of A Creek calld Shorts
creek then bounding on the said Creek North Fifty 8 degrees West Sixteen
perches West Seaventeen perches North Eighty five degrees West Sixteen
perches North Fifty two degrees West Twenty Eight perches North two
degrees west twenty Six perches North Forty four degrees East Seaventy Eight
perches North three Degrees West forty perches South Seaventy two degrees
east Fifty four perches South thirty five degrees east Forty perches South Forty
perches to the bay then bounding on the bay North Forty Nine degrees East
One hundred thirty two perches to A locust post Standing in A Marsh by the
bay side then North thirty degrees east one hundred Fifty Eight perches to
the first locust post containing and laid out for Five hundred Ninety two
Acres of land per me
Richd Beard SurTo
Tho Reynolds Shr
And thereupon came as well the said plantiff as the said deft by their
Attorneys Aforesaid and the returne of the resurvey aforesd being here read
the said James by his said Attorney saith that he is in no ways Guilty of the
trespas and Ejectment by the plantiff Imposed upon him and of this he puts
himself upon the Country and the plantiff likewise It is therefore comanded
that the [160] Sheriff of Ann Arundell County cause to come twelve etc. by
whom [etc.] and who neither etc. to recognize etc. and because as well etc.
Afterwards to Witt the 15th day of October in the thirteenth Year of his