LYONEL COPLEY, Esq; Governor.
1692. |
of any County within this Province, surveyed and laid out at any Time
the Revolution of Affairs, or before the tenth Day of July,
which was
in the year of our Lord One Thousand Six Hundred Eighty and Nine, and
no Patent as yet by his Lordship granted for the same, such Person
or Persons,
by himself, or his Attorney, at any Time within twelve Months from
and after the Publication of this Law, in the County where such land
* appearing before the Justices of the respective County in which
the land lieth as
aforesaid, and producing to the Justices of the said County
Court, a Certificate
under the Hand of such Surveyor as made the Survey of any Parcel or
Parcels of Land as aforesaid, and proving the same by the Oath of such
if living, or by the Book of such Surveyor, or other Evidence, if the
Surveyor be dead, that the same parcel or Parcels of Land was really
bonâ fide, laid out and surveyed for such person or persons,
by Warrants
for the same, before the Revolution of Affairs in this Province, in
the Year
aforesaid, and filing the said Certificate and Oath in the Records
of the said
Court, it shall and may be lawful to such person or Persons, to have,
occupy, † possess and enjoy all such lands and Tenements, so
laid out and
surveyed as aforesaid. |
* N.B. These
Words printed
in Italic are
in the Record
Book, WH
and L*. tho'
not in the Record
from England
under the
hand of Sir
† In the Record
WH and
L*. as above. |
III. And it
is hereby Declared and Enacted, That
such Person or persons
shall have and enjoy a pure and
lawful Estate of Inheritance in Fee-simple,
of, in, and to all || such Parcel
or Parcels of Lands or Tenements, according
to the Conditions of Plantations
upon which such Warrants were granted,
as aforesaid; together with all
Privileges, Grants, and Immunities whatsoever,
incident, appertaining, or belonging
to the same, although not in this
Act so largely and particularly
expressed, as fully and absolutely, as if a Patent
from his Lordship had been granted
for the same; any Law, Statute or
Usage to the contrary hereof in
any wise notwithstanding. |
To be held in
as fully as if
Patent had
been granted
for the same.
|| In the Record
WH and
L*. as above. |
IV. And Forasmuch,
many Persons having purchased of his Lordship,
Warrants for taking up of Lands
within this Province, and passed their Obligations
for the same, as aforesaid, which
Obligations many of them are
paid, and many others lie out against
them, and yet no Land taken up or surveyed
according to the Tenor of the said
Warrants; and although his Lordship,
by his Officers appointed under
him, doth demand and require the Tobacco
so due by the Obligations, as aforesaid,
yet refuseth to renew such Warrants
for such lands so paid for, or secured
to be paid for, Be it therefore Enacted
by the Authority aforesaid, by
and with the Advice and Consent aforesaid, That
any Person or Persons whatsoever,
having such Warrant or Warrants in their
Hands, and unexecuted as aforesaid,
shall or may repair to his Lordship's Agent,
Receiver-General, or other Person
for such Purpose authorized, and
inform them of the same: And
if, thereupon, such Receiver-General, or
Agent, or other Person authorized
as aforesaid, shall refuse to deliver up such
Obligation to such Person or Persons
having such Warrant or Warrants unexecuted
as aforesaid, and delivering up
the same upon Delivery of such Bond;
that then it shall and may be lawful
to such Person or Persons to survey and
take up, by a sworn Surveyor of
the County aforesaid, any Lands not before
taken up, or otherwise reserved,
according to the Tenor of such Warrant or
Warrants: And the Certificate
thereof returned to the County Court, with
the Proving and Recording the same,
as before in this Act is set down and directed,
such person shall have and enjoy
a good, sure, firm Estate of Inheritance
in Fee-simple, as fully and amply,
as before in this Act is Enacted and
Granted to such persons who had
surveyed any land before the Revolution,
but had no Patent for the same:
Any Law, Statute or usage to the contrary
hereof notwithstanding.
Examined and Compared with the Record, REVERDY GHISELIN,
N.B. His Lordship's Officers had for some Years past, laboured
under various Difficulties and
Obstructions in the
Discharge of their Trusts and some under Prosecutions on account of
their suspected Principles,
and steady Adherence to the Proprietary, in the late unsettled State |
See the Note
below. |
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