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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 601   View pdf image (33K)
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Inspectors re-chosen,
no new Appointment.
See §. 48.

Vestries neglecting
meet, and nominate


No Vestry-men,
who is an Inspector,
have a Vote
in nomination.
See §. 46.

Oath to be
taken by Vestry-men
they nominate

Scales and
Weights to
be provided,
to weigh 15
C. wt. &c.

and to be 
kept in Repair.

Weights and
Scales to be
examined every
Year, in
March, and if
necessary, to
be repaired.

to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act, to serve as Inspector or
Inspectors respectively, according and in pursuance of the Recommendation
aforesaid, from the respective Vestry-men and Church-wardens.

    XLVI.  Provided always, and it is the true Intent and Meaning of this
Act, That though the Vestry-men and Church-wardens are to elect Inspectors
annually, yet where they elect again a former Inspector or Inspectors,
they shall continue such without any new Appointment by the Governor, or
Commander in Chief.

    XLVII.    And be it further Enacted, That every Vestry-men or Church-warden,
who shall neglect or refuse (not being prevented by Sickness, or some
unavoidable Accident) to meet according to the Directions of this Act to nominate
and recommend an Inspector or Inspectors, or who being so met, shall
omit, neglect, or refuse, to nominate and recommend an Inspector or Inspectors,
whereby Inspectors shall not be nominated and recommended in pursuance
of this Act, shall forfeit and pay Eight Hundred Pounds of Tobacco,
with Costs of Suit, for every such Offence; One Moiety to the Informer, the
other Moiety to the Uses in this Act mentioned, and to be recovered by Action
of Debt, Bill, Plaint or Information, wherein no Essoin, Protection,
or Wager of Law, shall be allowed.

    XLVIII.  Provided always, That no Vestry-man or Church-warden, who
shall be an Inspector, shall have, or be allowed, so long as he shall be an Inspector,
any Vote in the Nomination or Recommendation of any other Inspector
or Inspectors; and that where any Person or Persons shall be appointed in
pursuance of such Nomination and Recommendation, as already mentioned,
and shall afterwards and again be nominated and recommended to be an Inspector
or Inspectors doe the ensuing Year, such Nomination and Recommendation
shall be a sufficient Power to such Inspector or Inspectors to be and continue
in the said Office, without any further Appointment; and so from Year to
Year, so long as he or they shall be nominated and recommended as aforesaid.

    XLIX.  And be it further Enacted, That every Vestry-man and Church-warden
shall take the following Oath, before they proceed to the Nomination
or Recommendation of any Inspector or Inspectors; to wit, "I A. B. do
" Swear, that I will faithfully, honestly, and justly, nominate and recommend such
" Person or Persons, to be an Inspector or Inspectors, as I think in my Judgment
" and Conscience is or are fit and capable to execute the Office of an Inspector or Inspectors.
" So help me GOD."

    L.  And be it further Enacted, That there shall be provided by the Justices
of each County, at the County Charge, and kept at every one of the said
Warehouses, a good and sufficient Beam, Weights, and Scales, to weigh Fifteen
Hundred Gross Pounds at the least; and a Set of small Weights, the
same that are or ought to be provided for the Standard Weights of each
County; and the said Justices are hereby required and obliged to keep the
same in good Repair, together with the Blocks, Tackles, and other Necessaries.

    LI.  And be it further Enacted, That the Justices are hereby directed and
required, some Time in the Month of March, in every Year, to appoint Two
or more of their Number, to view the said Scales, and examine and try the
Weights, at the several Warehouses, by the Standard Weights of the County;
and if the same or the other Necessaries hereby required, shall want repairing,
or the Weights be found deficient or differing from the lawful Standard, the
said Justices shall cause the same to be repaired and amended, and the Weights
made conformable to the Standard; and the Charge of repairing and amending
as aforesaid shall be paid by the Inspectors respectively, and be again allowed
them in their Account with the said Justices.

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 601   View pdf image (33K)
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