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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 599   View pdf image (33K)
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Inspectors to
be nominated
by Vestries,
between the
1st and 10th
of September

If two Warehouses,

one Inspection,
be in several

each Vestry

to nominate.

Choice of Inspectors

past, to be
good and 

some Parishes
where they
are to be re-nominated.

of such Nomination
be transmitted
to the
who is to appoint
out of Four,
or One out
of Two.

Inspectors refusing
Persons as shall be thereunto appointed, who shall be called Inspectors, and nominated
and appointed in a Manner and Form following; That is to say, The
several and respective Vestrymen and Church-wardens of every Parish within
this Province, wherein any Warehouse shall be erected or established in virtue
of this Act, or the major Part of them, shall and may, and they are
hereby authorized and required, to meet together at their several and respective
Parish Churches, between the First and the Tenth Days of September,
yearly and every Year, during the Continuance of this Act, and to nominate
and recommend to the Governor or Commander in Chief of this Province, for
the Time being, Four or Two able and sufficient Planters well skilled in Tobacco,
for each and every Inspection within their different Parishes, as the
Case may require, for the Execution of the Office of Inspector or Inspectors,
without having regard to the Residence of such Persons for Inspectors, as
aforesaid:  And where it shall happen that Two Warehouses under one and 
the same Inspection, shall be in different Parishes, the Vestry-men and
Church-wardens of each Parish, or the major Part of them, shall nominate
and recommend Two, or One, able and sufficient Planter or Planters, well
skilled in Tobacco, as the Case may require, for such Inspection.

    XL.  And be it further Enacted, That the several Inspectors already chosen
on the Tenth Day of September last, shall, and are hereby fully impowered to
serve as Inspectors for the ensuing Year, at all the several Warehouses mentioned
in this Act, (except such as are herein directed to be re-chosen.)  And
whereas George-Town and Frederick-Town Warehouses, are now put under one
Inspection by an Inspector from each County; and that Kingston and Parson's
Landing Warehouses in Talbot County, are put under separate Inspections,
by one Inspector at each House; and that John Holland's Warehouse at
Bohemia, is put under an Inspection by one Inspector:  It therefore becomes
necessary that the Inspectors for those Warehouses for the ensuing Year, shall
be re-chosen:  Be it further Enacted, That the Vestry-men and Church-wardens
of Shrewsbury Parish, in Kent County, and of St. Stephen's Parish,
and St. Augustine Parish, in Cæcil County, and of St. Peter's Parish, in Talbot
County, shall, may, and are hereby required to meet at their several
Parish Churches, between the First and Tenth Days of December next, and
there to nominate and recommend to the Governor or Commander in Chief
of this Province, for the Time being, Two good and able Planters well skilled 
in Tobacco, for each of the said Inspections, for the Execution of the Office 
of Inspectors, at the Houses aforesaid.

    XLI.  And be it Enacted, That the several and respective Vestry-men and 
Church-wardens, in all Cases, shall forthwith transmit Certificates of such
Nomination and Recommendation, to the Sheriff of the said County, who
shall forthwith transmit the same to the Clerk of the Council for the Time
being, to be by him immediately laid before the Governor or Commander in
Chief for the Time being; out of which said Four, or Two, Persons, to be
nominated and recommended for Inspector or Inspectors, the Governor or
Commander in Chief shall and may appoint, by Warrant under his Hand,
Two Persons out of the Four, or One Person out of the Two, recommended
to him from any One Vestry and Church-wardens, to be Inspector or Inspectors,
as the Case may require; and where it shall happen that Two Warehouses
under One and the same Inspection shall be in different parishes, there
the Governor or Commander in Chief, for the Time being, shall and may
choose and appoint Two Persons to be Inspectors in Manner aforesaid, to wit,
One out of the Nomination and Recommendation of each Parish, to execute
the Office of Inspectors, at such Inspection.

    XLII.  And be it further Enacted, That if any Person who is or shall be
appointed by his Excellency the Governor, or Commander in Chief for the
Time being, shall refuse to take upon himself the Execution

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Bacon's Laws of Maryland
Volume 75, Page 599   View pdf image (33K)
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