Sheriffs to
pay before the
last of June.
Penalty for
delaying Payment.
Tobacco refused
by the
Inspectors, to
be burnt;
unless the
Owner desires
to sort
or pick it, at
the Warehouse,
One Month, &c.
Bad Tobacco
to be burnt
the Day it is
picked out.
Overseers to
bear the Loss
of burnt Tobacco.
Account to
be kept of
Inspectors to
enter the
Marks, Numbers,
&c. of
Tobacco by
them viewed,
and Ships on
which laden.
To send distinct
Lists of
Tobacco laden
in Craft,
to the several
to be lodged
by the Masters
with the
Naval Officer.
What shall be
done with
such Tobacco,
when it
cannot be taken
on board
the intended
Ships. |
Dues, Charges, and Fees. And the Sheriffs shall, before the last
of June yearly, pay and deliver to each Creditor, according to their
Debts or Claims, all the Inspector or Inspectors Notes, or Money, he
hath received in Satisfaction thereof: And if any Sheriff shall refuse
or delay
to amy Payment accordingly, if required, he or they so refusing or delaying
shall forfeit and pay to the Party grieved double the Value of the
Tobacco, or Money, so refused or delayed to be paid, to be recovered with
Costs, if the Party Creditor only inclines to sue the Sheriff; or otherwise,
he sues his Bond in this Case, the Creditor shall only take his Debt, Interest,
and Costs, out of the Sheriffs Bond that shall be sued.
XXXII. And be
it further Enacted, That when any Tobacco shall be
brought to any of the public Warehouses, and refused by the Inspector or
Inspectors there officiating, the same shall be immediately burnt by them,
unless the Owner, or Person bringing such Tobacco, desires to sort and
the same, and to pick out such as is bad; in which Case the Inspector or
Inspectors shall permit the same to be done, at the Warehouse to which
said Tobacco shall be brought, without Fee or Reward; but shall not on
Pretence suffer the said Tobacco to be removed, or carried from the said
Warehouse. And the said Inspector or Inspectors shall allow One Month
separating or picking such Tobacco; after which Time, if the same be not
done, it shall be lawful for him or them to burn the whole; except where
the Tobacco is in a Sweat, or where the Circumstances or Accidents or Weather
may have prevented the handling of it, in which Case the Inspector or
Inspectors shall allow such further Time as he or they shall think reasonable.
And where any Tobacco shall be separated and picked as aforesaid, the trash
and bad Tobacco shall be burnt by the Inspector or Inspectors the same
it shall be picked out, under the Penalty of forfeiting Fifty-six Pounds
Tobacco for every Failure, to the Informer. And if any Tobacco packed
Cask by an Overseer, or the Hands under his Care, shall be burnt by the
Inspector or Inspectors by reason of it's being bad, unfound, or not in
Condition, the Overseer who had the Care of making and packing the same,
shall bear the Loss of the Tobacco so burnt, and make Satisfaction for
same, out of his share of the Crop, or otherwise. And the Inspector
or Inspectors
shall be obliged to keep an Account of all Tobacco so burnt.
XXXIII. And to
the Intent that the just Quantity of Tobacco Exported,
may be more exactly known, and all evil Practices to defraud his Majesty
his Customs prevented, Be it Enacted, by
the Authority aforesaid, That all and
every Inspector or Inspectors shall carefully enter in a Book, to be provided
and kept for that Purpose, the Marks, Numbers, Gross, Nett Weight and
Tare, of all Tobacco viewed and stamped by him or them as aforesaid, and
in what Ships or Vessels the same shall be laden or put on board:
And shall
also, with every Sloop-load, or Boat-load of Tobacco, send a List of the
Marks, Numbers, Gross, Nett Weight, and Tare, of every Hogshead of
Tobacco then delivered, to be given to the Master of the Ship or Vessel
which the same shall be put on board. And of the Tobacco delivered
to the
same Sloop or Boat, is intended to be put on board several Ships or Vessels,
then he or they shall deliver so many distinct and several Lists as aforesaid,
the Hogsheads to be put on board such Ship or Vessel respectively; which
Lists every master of a Ship or Vessel is required to produce to, and lodge
with, the Naval Officer of the District where the Ship or Vessel whereof
he is
Master shall ride, or by whom he shall be Cleared, some time before her
But whereas it may happen, that the Ship in which such Tobacco
was intended to be put, may be so full as not to be capable of Stowing
all the
Tobacco contained in such List; in such Case it shall and may be lawful
ship the said Tobacco, or any Part thereof, on board any other Ship or
where the Owner thereof shall think fit, the Masters of such Ships indorsing
on the said Lists, the Marks and Numbers of the respective Hogsheads by |