1671. |
The Sollicitor-General (Sir Thomas
Trevor's) Opinion therein, which was approved by the King
in Council, is as follows;
" As to his Lordship's first Demand
of Twelve Pence per Hogshead, for all Tobacco exported
" out of that Province, I find the said Duty is part
of a certain Duty of Two Shillings a Hogshead,
" for all Tobacco exported from that Province, granted
by an Act of the Assembly there,
" of the 7th of March 1671; one Moiety whereof
is by the said Act appropriated to the public
" Service, for the better Support of the Government;
and the other Moiety, which is the Twelve
" Pence a Hogshead now demanded by the Lord Baltimore,
as Proprietor of Maryland; and
" I do not find that the Assembly do much contest my
Lord's Right to this Duty of Twelve
" Pence, a Hogshead, in the Representation they have
made to their Majesties, where they say,
" they are, with their Majesties Royal Assent, ready
to confirm the same to his Lordship, provided his
" Lordship grant the same Conditions of Plantations
he did before the happy Revolution, or the same that
" their Majesties do to the Colony of Virginia,
to the Inhabitants of that Province. But what those
" Conditions are, it doth appear to me, otherwise than
by looking into the said Act of Assembly
" in 1671; by which the said Duty was granted to the
Lord Baltimore, upon Condition,
" that his Lordship should accept a Pound of Tobacco,
instead and lieu of every Two Pence
" Rent at any Time reserved upon any Grant of Land made
by his Lordship: Which Condition.
" his Lordship affirms to me, he always hath and still
is ready to comply with."
In consequence of this Report, and
his Majesty's Approbation thereof in Council, Lord Baltimore
received the 12 d. per Hogshead, during his natural
Life, pursuant to the Laws above mentioned,
the said Moiety being of private Concern, and consequently
not falling under any of the
general Repeals in 1692, 1699, 1700, or 1704; all which
had a saving Clause in favor of private
Rights and Benefits obtained under any former Laws.
Upon Notice of his Lordship's Decease,
an Act passed, 1715, ch. 9, continuing the Collection
of the 12
d. per Hogshead, till the
29th September, in that Year, to be paid on the
same Condition, to Lord Benedict Leonard the
present Proprietary, if his Lordship should think proper
to accept thereof. And in the same Session,
ch. 38, a new law was made, granting his Lordship
18 d. Sterling per Hogshead, on Condition
of his receiving his Quit-Rents and Alienation Fines,
in Tobacco, at 2
d. per Pound.
An Act for the Advancement of foreign Coins. REP. 1676,
2. |
Passed 19th
April 1671. |
A new Act 1686, ch. 4.
An Act touching Coopers. REP. 1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
A new Act 1676, ch. 9.
An Act for the Stay of Execution after April Court.
REP. 1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
A new Act 1671, ch. 25.
An Act for reviving certain laws within this Province. REP.
1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
An Act for the Coroner's Fees. REP. 1676,
ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
An Explanation of two Clauses in an Act, entitled, * An Act for
the Clerk's Fees,
and Allowance for Jurors in civil Causes; with
an Addition of a Fee to the
Seal of each respective County. REP.
ch. 2. |
* 1666, ch. 15.
An Act for the settling the Rates and Prices in Money of all Wines,
Liquors, and
other Commodities, sold by Retail, within this
Province. REP. 1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
An Act against Runaways, and all such persons as shall give them
and others that shall Travel without Passes.
1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
An Act for the Encouragement of the sowing and making of Hemp and
REP. 1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
A new Act 1682, ch. 6.
An Act for the Enrolment of Conveyances, and securing the Estates
of Purchasers.
REP. 1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
A new Law 1674, ch. 2. by which this Act is
also repealed.
An Act for the payment of public Charge of this Province.
REP. 1676, ch. 2. |
Ditto. |
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