HORATIO SHARPE, Esq; Governor.
1756. |
An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance of Talbot and
Dorchester County
Courts. Lib. H.S. fol. 203. OBS.
Passed 1st
March 1756. |
An Act for the Adjournment and Continuance of Frederick County
Court. Lib.
H.S. fol. 204. OBS.
Passed 13th
March 1756. |
An Act for the Adjournment of Continuance of Queen-Anne's County
Lib. H.S. fol. 206. OBS.
Passed 22d
March 1756. |
An Act for granting a Supply of Fourty Thousand Pounds, for his
Majesty's Service;
and striking Thirty-four Thousand and Fifteen Pounds
Six Shillings
thereof, in Bills of Credit; and raising a Fund for
sinking the same. Lib.
H.S. fol. 207. EXP.
Supplementary and other Acts relating
hereto, are 1756, ch. 19, and 23; 1757, ch. 1; 1758,
ch. 1, 5, and 17; 1760, ch. 9; and 1763, ch. 29.
N.B. The general purposes of this Act being
(as set forth in the Preamble) " To raise
" large Supplies of his Majesty's Service, towards securing and protecting
the Frontier of this
" Province, and engaging the Friendship and Assistance of the Southern
Tribes of Indians, and
" for repelling and removing his Majesty's ambitious and persiduous Enemies,
from their unjust
" Encroachments on these his Dominions," the Commissioners of the Loan
Office were directed,
1. To emit in Bills of Credit, then Signed in
the Office but not Circulated,
£. 4015 : 6 :
and deliver the same to the
Persons herein after mentioned, ----
2. To pay out of any the Bills of Credit already
Circulated, and now
5984 : 14 : 0
remaining in, or hereafter to
be received into the said Office, a farther
Sum of
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
3. An also to emit and pay into the Hands of the
said Persons, in Bills
30000 : 00 : 0
of Credit, to be struck according
to the Directions of this Act,
Amounting in the whole to
£. 40000 : 00 : 0
All which Bills od Credit, emitted by Virtue of this Act, to be upon the
same Footing of Currency,
in Payment with the Paper Money of 1733, ch. 6, &c. and, after
Re-placing the
5984 l. 14 s. before mentioned, then all Bills of Credit
received into the Office by Virtue of this
Act, to be retained, &c. and burnt every Session of ASsembly, before
the Committee appointed
for that Purpose, till the full Sum of 34015 l. 6 s. be destroyed.
The above mentioned 40000 l. to be applied in
Manner following, viz.
(1.) To the building a Fort, and any number
not exceeding Four Block-Houses
b £. 11000
b A farther
on the Western Frontier; and
for raising, paying, arming, supporting, &c.
Sum of
Troops, not exceeding 200 Men
(Officers included) to keep Garrison therein,
2400 l. appropriated
&c. In which to be
included the Agents Commissions, and 750 l. already
drawn out of the Office by two
Ordinances this present Session, a Sum not
this Use by
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
1756, ch. 19.
(2.) To engaging the Assistance, &c. of the
Southern Indians, and defraying the c
3000 c
Applied to
Expences of two Commissioners
(viz. the Honble Col.
Benjamin Tasker, and
other Uses by
Charles Carroll, junior,
Esq;) nominated to be sent from this Province to
1757, ch. 1.
Treat with
the said Indians, in Conjunction with Commissioners for Pennsylvania,
Virginia, and North-Carolina,
such Sum as shall be necessary (including the
Agents Commissions, and 250
l. to the said two Commissioners) not exceeding.
(3.) To paying any Inhabitants of this Province,
or Indian Allies, for Scalps of
Indian Enemies, or Indian
Prisoners by them brought in, at 10 l. per Scalp or
d See 1756,
Prisoner (including Agents Commissions)
a Sum not exceeding, ----
ch. 19.
(4.) To the carrying on any Expedition, &c.
undertaken by this Province for
his Majesty's Service, in Conjunction
with the aforesaid Governments, &c.
e 17530 l. 2 s.
(including Commissions to
the Agents,) ----
---- ----
---- ----
8 d. Part of
£ .40000
this Sum was
The Agents appointed, (viz. Messieurs William
Murdock, James Dick, and Daniel Wolstenholme)
applied to other
were allowed a Commission of 2 1/2 per Cent on all Sums by them received
and applied in
Uses by
virtue of this Act.
1756, ch. 19,
For Re-placing the 5984 l. 14 s. and Sinking
the 34015 l. 6 s. raised by this Act, the following
and the remaining
Duties were laid, viz.
7469 l. 17 s.
Nº 1. An Excise on all Spirits imported
or distilled within this Province, from
per Gallon.
4 d. by 1757,
foreign Materials, of ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- Four Pence,
ch. 1.
Nº 2. -------- on all Wines imported,
except from Great-Britain,
Six Pence,
Nº 3. -------- on all Madeira Wine
already imported, on which the Duty of
Two Pence per Gallon (imposed
by the Act of 1754, ch. 9,) hath been
already paid
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
---- Four Pence,
Nº 4. -------- on all Spirits distilled
from the produce of this Province, and
Sold by Retail
---- ----
---- ----
---- ----
Two Pence,
Nº 5 A Duty on all Batchelors of 25 Years
of Age and upwards, worth 100 l.
per Annum.
and under 300 l.
---- ----
---- ----
---- ---- Five
Nº 6. -------- If worth 300 l. or
---- Twenty Shillings,
Nº 7. For every Billiard Table within
this Province ----
Three Pounds,
Nº 8. For every Horse, Mare, Colt, or
Gelding, brought from any other Colony, and
Sold, Bartered, or Exchanged
within this Province, 40 s.
X x x 2