HORATIO SHARPE, Esq; Governor.
1753. |
End of this present Session of Assembly, it shall not be lawful for
any Person
or Persons, to put of lay, or to permit or allow his or their Servants
or Slaves,
or any Servants or Slaves under his or their Direction, to carry, put,
or throw
into the said River, or any of the Navigable Branches thereof, any Earth,
Sand, or Dirt, or to lay or put on the Beach or Shore of the said River
common High-Water Mark, any Earth, Sand, or Dirt, unless such Earth,
Sand, or Dirt, be first well secured by Stone-Walls, Dove-Tailed Log Pens,
or otherwise, so that no such Earth, Sand, or Dirt, may Wash into the
said River or Navigable Branches thereof, to fill up the Channel, or any
Way Injure the Navigation of the said River, or Navigable Branches thereof
as aforesaid: And that every Person or Persons so offending, shall,
for every
such Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds Current Money; to
be recovered before One Magistrate, as in case of small Debts; one Moiety
of such Forfeiture to the Use of his Lordship the Lord Proprietary, for
Support of Government, the other to him, her or them that will sue for
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
No Earth,
Sand or Dirt
to be thrown
into, or put
upon the
Beach or
Shore of Patapsco
or any Navigable
thereof below
High Water
Mark, unless
secured by
Walls, &c.
from washing
into the
River. |
An ACT continuing an Act, entitled, * An additional Supplementary
Act to the Act, entitled, An Act for Laying out, and
Erecting a Town at a Place called Long-Point,
on the West side
of North-East River, in Cæcil County.
Lib. H.S. fol. 118.
Passed 17th
Nov. 1753.
* 1750, ch. 12. |
BE it Enacted, by the Right
Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and with
the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and the Upper
Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That
an Act
of Assembly of this Province, entitled, An additional Supplementary
Act to the
Act, entitled, An Act for Laying out, and Erecting a Town at a Place called
Long-Point, on the West side of North-East River, in Cæcil
County, made at
a Session of Assembly, begun and held at the City of Annapolis,
the Eighth
Day of May, Anno Domini One Thousand Seven Hundred and Fifty, be,
is hereby made Perpetual.
II. And to
the End that Proprietors of Water-Lots may be encouraged to
build Wharfs, and other Conveniencies, for the better carrying on and promoting
of Trade in the said Town; Be it further
Enacted, by and with the
Authority, Advice and Consent aforesaid, That it shall and may
be lawful for
any Person or Persons having any Lot or Lots, or Part of any Lot or Lots,
next adjoining to the Water in Charles-Town aforesaid, to build
and make
such Improvements as they shall think most convenient, as far as to the
of North-East River, not exceeding in Breadth the Water Front of
Lot or Lots, or Portion, or Part of such Lot or Lots, as shall belong to
Builder of such Wharf or Wharfs, or other Conveniencies, and such Builder
or Builders shall have and enjoy as full and ample Right to that Part so
on, as to any other Part or Parcel of his or their Lot or Lots.
III. Provided
always, That there shall be left Streets and Alleys convenient
to the Water for public Use; and also, that the Owners of all such
Water Lots, so to be Improved, pay the Lord Proprietary the Rent of One
Penny Current Money for every Acre so Improved, and so in Proportion for
a greater or lesser Quantity.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
The Act of
1715, ch. 12,
made Perpetual.
Wharfs, 7c.
But Streets
and Alleys
to be left, &c. |
An Act to enable the Persons therein named, to levy, assess, and
apply, the l Money
therein mentioned. Lib. H.S. fol.
l Viz.
20 s. Current Money for every Lot in Chester-Town,
in Kent County, and 5 l. Current
Money to be levied on the said County, to be paid to the Commissioners
in this Act named, and by
Passed 17th
Nov. 1753. |
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