1752. |
The Imprisonment
of Witnesses
who cannot
find Security
for their Appearance
Testify, shall
be paid by
the County,
or the Public.
and levied as
other County
Dues, &c.
Duration. |
II. Be it therefore
Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary,
by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's President,
and the Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same That
where any Person,
Witness against any Person or Persons accused of any Crime or Crimes,
within this Province, cannot find Security for his Appearances to testify
as a
Witness against any Person, so arrested, accused, or prosecuted as
and for want of such Surety, shall be committed to Prison, that then
and in
such case, the County where the Prosecution shall be carried on, shall
chargeable with, and pay such Witness's Imprisonment Fees; and in case
Prosecution shall be in a Superior Court, then, and in such case the
shall be chargeable with, and pay such Fees; any Law, Usage, or Custom,
to the contrary notwithstanding.
III. And be it
likewise Enacted, that the Justices of the several and respective
County Courts, shall, and they are hereby obliged and directed to assess
and levy in the Taxable Inhabitants of their Counties respectively,
such Fees as are herein before directed to be paid by the respective
from Time to Time, and at all Times hereafter, as often as the Case
shall require,
during the Continuance of this Act: And that all such Fees shall
may be paid by the Inhabitants of this Province, in the same Manner
as they
are allowed by Law to pay any other County or Public Charges.
IV. This Act to continue for Three Years, and
unto the End of the next
Session of Assembly which shall happen after the Expiration of the
said Three
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY GHISELIN,
Farther continued by 1755, ch. 4; 1758, ch.
and 1762, ch. 19.
Passed 23d
June 1752.
* 1747, ch. 17. |
An ACT to amend and explain an Act, entitled, * An Act to
prevent certain Evils and Inconveniencies attending
the Sale of
Strong Liquors, and Running of Horse-Races near
the Yearly
Meetings of the People called Quakers; and to prevent
the tumultuous
Concourse of Negroes and other Slaves, during the
said Meetings. Lib. B.L.C. fol.
566. |
Penalty on
Persons selling
Liquors within
3 Miles of
the Quakers
yearly Meetings. |
WHEREAS by the above mentioned Act, it is doubtful whether Persons
selling Strong or Spirituous Liquors in Talbot and Anne-Arundel
Counties. during the Days on which the Yearly meetings
of the People called Quakers are kept or held at their Meeting-houses
in the
said Counties, without having first built, set up, or erected a Booth,
or other
Conveniency for that Purpose, are within the Intent and Meaning of
said Act: For removing of which Doubt, and more effectually preventing
Evils and Inconveniencies complained of by the said recited Act, it
is prayed
that it may be Enacted;
II. And be it
Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by and
with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's President, and the
Upper and Lower
Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That from
and after the
End of this present Session of Assembly, if any person or Persons whatsoever,
shall sell, dispose of, or expose to Sale, any Strong or Spirituous
Liquors of
any Kind whatsoever, at or near any public Road, in the Counties of
and Anne-Arundel, at any Distance within Three Miles, in the
said Counties,
from the Meeting-houses aforesaid, during the Days on which the Yearly
Meetings of the People called Quakers, shall be kept or held, or shall
dispose of., or expose to Sale, any such Strong or Spirituous Liquors,
at any
Place whatsoever, within Three Miles distant from the said Meeting-houses,
such Person or Persons, for every such Offence, shall forfeit and pay
the Sum |