SAMUEL OGLE, Esq; Governor.
1748. |
An Act granting a further Time for Surveying and Laying out a-new,
a Town in
Worcester County, called New-Port
Town; and confirming the Privileges
granted by the former Act to the said Town.
B.L.C. fol. 445.
N.B. The
Time limited in the Act of 1745, ch. 3, having elapsed before any
Thing could
be done in pursuance thereof; the present Act invested
certain Commissioners with the same
Powers, &c. and confirms the Privileges, &c.
to the Inhabitants, or Owners of Lots in the said
Town, as was given by the former Act: And limits
the Powers, &c. granted herein to the 1st
May 1749. |
Passed 11th
June 1748. |
An Act for dividing St. Paul's Parish, in Queen Anne's
and for erecting a new Parish thereout, by the
Name of St. John's Parish.
Lib. B.L.C. fol. 446.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) From the End of this present Session, all that Part
of St. Paul's Parish,
in Queen-Anne's and Talbot Counties,
within the Lines and Bounds herein after mentioned,
viz. Beginning at the Head of the Three-Bridges
in Queen-Anne's County, and
running from thence with a strait Line to a small Bridge
in the Road from
Old-Wye-Mill to Tuckahoe
Bridge, near the North East Corner of Ferdinando Callaghan's
thence with the
said Road to Tuckahoe Bridge; thence down the
East Side of Tuckahoe
Creek, binding therewith
to Choptank River, and then binding therewith
to the Division Line between St. Paul's and St.
Luke's Parishes; and then with the several Lines
and Bounds of St. Paul's Parish aforesaid, to the
Head of the Three-Bridges Branch aforesaid, shall
be taken from
St. Paul's parish aforesaid, and
erected into a new parish, by the Name of St.John's
&c. (2.) The Inhabitants of the
said parish to have and enjoy all the Benefits, Privileges,
Powers, &c. as the Inhabitants of
any other Parish in this Province, now or hereafter may
have, &c. |
Ditto. |
An act for taking off Part of Prince George's County, and
adding it to Charles
County. Lib. B.L.C. fol. 447.
N.B. By this Act, (1.)
From and after the 10th December 1748, the land, lying at present
in Prince-George's COunty, and contained within
the Bounds following,
viz. By a Line drawn
from Mattawoman Run, in the Road commonly called
the Rolling Road, that leads from the late
Dwelling Plantation of Mr. Edward Neale, through
the lower part of Mr. Peter Dent's Dwelling
Plantation, until it strikes Patowmack River,
at or near the bounded Tree of a Tract of
Land whereon John Beall junior, now lives, (standing
on the Bank of the aforesaid River, at
the Lower End of the aforesaid Beall's Plantation)
then with the River to the Mouth of Mattawoman
Creek, shall be, and for ever hereafter, deemed as a
Part of Charles
County. (2.) The
Inhabitants thereon now or hereafter to be settled, are
hereby declared Inhabitants of Charles
County, &c. |
Ditto. |
An Act to divide Prince-George's County, and to erect a new
One by the Name of
Frederick County. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 448.
N.B. By
this Act, (1.) From and after the 10th December
1748, a new County is erected out
of Prince-George's County, the Bounds whereof
to be as followeth,
viz. Beginning at the lower
Side of the Mouth of Rock Creek, and thence by
a strait Line joining to the East Side of
Seth Hyatt's Plantation,
to Patuxent River, the said Line to be run by the Surveyor of Prince-George's
County, and Trees marked, &c. then with Patuxent
River, to the Lines of Baltimore
County; and with the said County to the extent of the
Province: And all the land lying to
the Westward and Southward of the said Lines to be included
within the new County aforesaid,
which shall be called Frederick County; and the
Inhabitants thereof to have and enjoy equal
Privileges with he other Counties of this Province, in
sending Delegates to the Assembly, having
County Courts, Sheriffs, Justices, &c. And
the Court-house and Prison to be Built in or adjoining
to Frederick-Town. (2.) Certain Commissioners impowered
to purchase Three Acres of Land,
whereon to build a Court-house and Prison for Frederick County aforesaid,
and cause the same
to be surveyed and laid out, &c. And the Payment, &c. of
the Purchase Money to the Owner
of the land, shall invest the Justices of Frederick County and their
Successors with an Estate in
Fee-simple, for the Use of the County aforesaid for ever. The Survey and
other Proceedings
of the said Commissioners to be returned under their Hands and Seals, and
those of the Sheriff
and Surveyor, to the next Prince-George's County Court, there to
be Recorded among the Land
Records of that County, &c. (3.) Frederick County
Court, shall begin and be held upon the
third Tuesday of the Months of March, June, August, and November
Yearly, and the Assizes
therein, to begin and be held upon the Mondays next after the Assizes in
Prince-George's County,
(4.) The aforesaid Three Acres to be laid out in an exact Square,
and staked, and well bounded:
The Court-house to be built in the Center of the Square,
and the County Prison on the South
side of the same Square, within Ten Feet of the Southernmost Out-Line of
the Three Acres
Ditto. |
An Act to enable the Justices of Prince-George's County,
to secure Three Acres
of Land lying in King George's Parish in the
said County, whereon a Brick
Chapel of Ease is already built, for the Use
of the Parishioners. Lib. B.L.C.
fol. 450.
N.B. The
Act of 1744, ch. 26, impowered the Vestry, &c. of the said Parish,
to Purchase
Three Acres of Land to build a Chapel of Ease, &c., thereon; in pursuance
whereof, a Chapel
Ditto. |
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