SAMUEL OGLE, Esq; Governor.
1747. |
VII. And for
prevention of any Damage by Fire in the said Town; Be
Enacted, That any Inhabitant therein, who shall after the First
Day of December
next ensuing, permit his, her, or they Chimney to take Fore, so as
Blaze our at the Top, shall forfeit and pay the Sum of Ten Shillings Current
Money for every such Offence; and any Person having a house in the said
Town with a Chimney, and in Use, who shall not after the said First
of December, keep a ladder high enough to extend tot he Top of the
of such House, shall also forfeit and pay Ten Shillings Current Money;
which said Fines shall be recovered by, and in the Name of the said Commissioners,
or the major Part of them, before a single Magistrate, as in the
case of small Debts; and when recovered, shall be appropriated by the said
or the major Part of them, to some Building or Improvement in
the said Town, such as to the Repair of the Bridge, or making and repairing
a Public Wharf; and that their Clerk shall keep an exact Account of all
Fines arising
by this Act, and how the same shall have been disposed of.
VIII. Provided
nevertheless, That this Act, nor any Thing herein contained,
shall extend, or be construed to extend, to enable or capacitate the
said Commissioners or Inhabitants of the said Town, to elect or choose
or Burgesses to set in the General Assembly of this Province as Representatives
of the said Town: But it is hereby Enacted,
That the Commissioners,
or the Inhabitants of the said Town, shall not elect or choose any
Delegate or Delegates, Burgess or Burgesses, to represent the said Town
any General Assembly of this Province.
Examined and Compared with the Original Act, REVERDY
Penalty for
Chimneys to
take Fire;
or not keeping
of a sufficient
Fines, how
to be recovered,
and applied.
This Act
shall not
enable the
Town to send
Delegates to
the Assembly. |
An Act for repairing and amending the Public and County Goal, in
the City of
Annapolis. Lib. B.L.C. fol. 422.
Passed 11th
July 1747. |
An ACT to prevent Evils arising from the entering up Judgments
upon Bonds, commonly called Judgment Bonds; to direct
Manner of issuing Executions on Loan-Office Bonds, and
regulate certain Fees therein mentioned. Lib.
B.L.C. fol. 422.
Ditto. |
WHEREAS it has been the Practice to take Bonds, with Power
contained in the Condition of such Bonds upon Non-Payment, to
any Attorneys practicing in any Court of Record within the Dominion
of Great-Britain, to confess Judgment, and thereupon, without any
previous Process, Judgments have not only been confessed in the Provincial
and County Courts of this Province, but also out of Courts, before a single
Magistrate and Executions have issued thereon, to the Great Damage of many
People, who, in case Capias had issued, and they had Time to plead
to such
Bonds, may good Reasons might have been pleaded against the same; For
prevention of which Evils for the future, it is humbly prayed that it may
II. And be it
Enacted, by the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary, by
and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordship's Governor, and
the Upper and
Lower Houses of Assembly, and the Authority of the same, That
from and after
the End of this Session of Assembly, it shall not be lawful for any
practicing now, or who shall hereafter Practice the Law in any Court of
within this Province, or any other Person whatever, to confess a Judgment
either in Court, or before one or more Justices of such Court or Courts
out of Court, for any Sum or Sums of Money, or Tobacco, or other Matter,
by virtue of any Power or Powers of Attorney, either separate or contained
in any such Bonds, commonly called Judgment-Bonds, which shall be taken
or executed after the End of this Session of Assembly; nor shall it be
No Judgment
to be confessed,
or given,
by virtue of
any Power of
Attorney either
or contained
in any Judgment
Bond. |
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