PHILIP CALVERT, Esq; Governor.
1661. |
An Act for the Appointment of certain Officers. Lib. C
WH. fol. 140.
Lib. WH. fol. 14. and Lib. WH
L. fol. 20. EXP.
Viz. Constables to be
appointed by the County Courts; with a Reservation of the Privilege to
Lords of Manors, of appointing Constables within their
respective Manors. This Act was to
endure for 3 Years, &c. and was continued by the
several reviving Acts, till a new One was
made 1692, ch. 57. |
Passed 1st of
May 1661.
An Act concerning the Height of Fences. Lib C and WH.
fol. 143. Lib. WH.
fol. 68. and Lib. WH and L.
22. EXP.
For 3 Years, &c. Continued
by the several reviving Laws, till it was succeeded by a new Act
1692, ch.
29. |
An Act concerning the Setting up of a Mint within the Province of
Lib C and WH. fol. 144.
WH. fol. 152. and Lib. WH and L.
23. OBS.
The Freemen (1.) set forth
in the Preamble, that the Want of Money is a great Hindrance
to the Advancement of this Colony, in Trade, &c.
humbly praying his Lordship to take Order
for the Setting up of a Mint, for the Coining of Money,
within this Province. (2.) It was
enacted, That the Money coined therein, should be of
as good Silver as the English Sterling Money.
(3.) Every Shilling so coined, to weigh above Nine
Pence, in such Silver, and other Pieces in
Proportion. (4.) Every Offence of Clipping,
Scaling, Conterfeiting, Washing, or any Way
Diminishing such Coin, to be punishable with Death, and
Forfeiture of Lands, Goods, &c. to
the Lord proprietary. (5.) His Lordship to
take and accept the said Coin in Payment for his
Rents, Arrears of Rent, and all other Engagements, due
to his Lordship, &c. according to this
Act. See the Act of 1662, ch. 8. whereby
this Money was to be put in Circulation. This Act
is confirmed among the perpetual Laws, by 1676, ch.
An Act for Conveyance of Letters concerning the State and public
Affairs. Lib.
C and WH. fol. 145.
WH. fol. 69. and Lib. WH and L. fol. 23.
For 3 Years, &c. Continued
by the several reviving Acts, till its expiration in 1692. |
An Act for the Repeal of the * Act for Customs. Lib. C
WH. fol. 145.
Lib. WH. fol. 153. and Lib. WH
L. fol. 24.
Confirmed among the perpetual Laws,
ch. 2. * 1646, ch.
N.B. THe Preamble of
this Law sets forth, that this Assembly considering the Clashing between
the Law made at the Assembly held the 2d Day of January
1646, at
St. Inegoe's Fort,
wherein in consideration of the Custom, in that Act granted
to his Lordship the Lord Proprietary,
he doth undertake the whole Charge of the Government,
both in War and peace; and that other
Act confirmed by his Lordship's Declaration, bearing
Date the 6th Day of
August 1650, entitled
* An Act concerning the Levying of War, within
this Province,
in the last Clause of which Act, the
whole Charge of the War, arising within this Province,
is to be levyed upon the Province, by an equal Assessment
upon the Persons and Estates of the Inhabitants thereof,
any Thing in that Act, or any other Act,
to the contrary notwithstanding. And further
taking into serious Consideration, the Burthen of that
Act, and the vast Charge that hath been drawn upon the
Province, by the late treacherous Revolt
of Josias Fendall, and his Complices; and the
great Expence they must be at, to defend the
Province against the Incursions of the Janedoa Indians,
that of late have murdered some of the
Inhabitants thereof, the which Charge, by † Act of this
present Assembly, they have undertaken;
do pray that the said Act of 1646, entitled, An Act
for Customs, may be repealed, &c. |
* 1650, ch. 26
† ch. 12. |
An Act for Port Duties, and Masters of Ships. Lib. C and
fol. 147. Lib. WH. fol. 153,
and Lib. WH and L. fol. 24.
Confirmed among the perpetual Acts,
1676, ch. 2. An Explanatory Act, 1684, ch. 2. |
Passed 1st of
May 1661.
BE it Enacted by
the Lord Proprietary, with the Assent of the Upper and
Lower House of this present Assembly,
That all Vessels whatsoever, not
properly belonging to this Province,
having a Deck flush Fore and Aft,
coming in, and trading within this
Province, shall pay, for Port Duties, or
Anchorage, Half a Pound of Powder,
and three Pounds of Shot, or so much
in Value, for every Ton of Burden,
to the Lord Proprietary, and his Heirs.
II. And
be it further Enacted, That all
Masters or Commanders of Ships,
and other Vessels, as aforesaid,
coming into this Province to trade, shall give
Bond of Three Thousand Pounds of
Tobacco, within ten Days after their |
Port Duties
to be paid to
his Lordship.
See the Note
on 1692, ch,
Security to be
given by
Masters of
Ships, to
comply with
the Laws. |